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Everything posted by bantree

  1. Thanks very much for the kind word and photos Broithe-it was nice meeting you yesterday have attached a few more photos
  2. Sorry to read of your decision to 'disappear' over some comments made by someone who clearly should know better. As a new member to the site, I can honestly say I have admired the work you have completed and shown. I can only hope I can achieve the same standard one day. It is a great loss to everyone to lose such an inspiration. Keep posting and ignore the negativity.
  3. Hi Mick Looks superb great photo
  4. Superb buildings-well worth all the effort of scribeing the bricks-great stuff.
  5. Thanks very much for all the kind comments-its much appreciated
  6. Latest photos of Bantry Pier Buffers and some railngs added Harbour wall progessing.
  7. great scenery-was inspiring to watch the video-keep up the great work.
  8. Correct!Thin strips of timber between rails and also each side of rails between platform and rails. The green effect is a Daler pastel rubbed on with my fingers! Also on the buffer end I have added some seaweed and mussels/limpets on the timbers-will post another picture of these shortly.
  9. Latest pictures of progress on Bantry pier.
  10. absolutely brilliant buildings and scenery.All blended together perfectly.Keep up the great work!
  11. Brilliant work Mick-look forward to seeing it at a Club night
  12. Great scenery and great buildings.All looks really convincing-Well done
  13. Mick has made some progress.Brought the model to the cub night 2 weeks ago-loco has a running non motorised chassis-looks superb so far.
  14. Latest developments on Bantry. 1- early stages of Bantry Pier construction 2-Engine shed tank now Full! and a couple of other additions.Shed now complete
  15. These are the two latest buildings for our Bantry layout They were at the Pier end of the station-he corrugated building seem to appear late 1950's but I could be wrong!
  16. Superb buildings and scenery.the signal cabin is a masterpiece
  17. You are correct-it is Saturday June 3rd(Looked at a calendar for 1867!)
  18. One of our members is building a Bandon Tank and has a C.I.E diesel on a rtr chassis.I have a Silver Fox 2 car Rail car set on order.Its not easy obtaining the correct stock but we will get there! What we do need are photos of the Goods shed and cattle pens-these have so far eluded us.
  19. We at Sleaford Model Railway Club are building a layout based on Bantry Town in the 1950's Still at early stages but we hope to have it running for our exhibition on 2nd June
  20. Mick has a Bandon tank under construction-I have a Silver fox rail car set on order!
  21. Bantry Town c 1950's layout in early stages
  22. An new to this! Sleaford MRC are building a layout based on Bantry Town C 1950's attached are some photos of progress Hope they are ok!
  23. looks great so far Mick
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