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Everything posted by bantree

  1. Many thanks for kind comments every one. JHB-I found the Gaelic script by searching Google and found a site for Microsoft with a script called Bunchlo GC . Purely by guesswork I selected this as it looked correct for Bantry-it then appeared in my Excel spreadsheet list of fonts-how I achieved this I do not know as I am not that clever with modern technology! Have attached a couple more pics as I have now weathered the snack bar.hope I have not overdone it.
  2. Snack Bar for Bantry After building the Victory Snack Bar I have built another more appropriate for Bantry Adverts were sourced from the Web with much help regarding better Irish themed subjects received from IRM members Thanks once again.
  3. First pics of new Engine Shed for Bantry-we have one already but this new build has open doors to enable locos to run in.Should have thought of this before! Still some way to go but the pics give some idea of progress.
  4. Happy Christmas and a Peaceful New Year to everyone from all at Bantry Two new roof boards for new snack bar.
  5. That's a great tip for the lead flashing Paul Will try that on the next building (probably Bantry engine shed)
  6. Re Bandon Tank Here is a pic taken at last years Sleaford exhibition Mick's Bandon tank outside the original Bantry shed model
  7. Hi Jim Next years Exhibition is on June 2nd at St George's Academy, Sleaford as last year 10am to 4pm(-will try and paint a parking space in for you!)
  8. First pics of new Engine Shed for Bantry-we have one already but this new build has open doors to enable locos to run in.Should have thought of this before! Still some way to go but the pics give some idea of progress. First pics of new Engine Shed for Bantry-we have one already but this new build has open doors to enable locos to run in.Should have thought of this before! Still some way to go but the pics give some idea of progress. By the way the ex GER J15 is on loan from Stratford for photo purposes
  9. Lovely pics David-everything looks just right.Pity about being frozen all day!
  10. Nice photo-very atmospheric
  11. Fantastic folks-thank you all so much Will post pics when I have made posters
  12. Great to receive all the feedback. Will e-mail Bantry library to ask if they knew of any heavy child smokers in the 1950's!
  13. Great help - thanks again for both replies-will start searching!
  14. Thanks Broithe-its a start!
  15. I agree -lovely layout
  16. What brands of soft drinks and tobacco would have been displayed on hoardings and cafes in the 1950s which would be relevant to County Cork? Would they have been the same as the UK? Thanks
  17. Really nice modelling all round
  18. Really looking like a great piece of modelling.
  19. Superb modelling again-developing very nicely.
  20. Many thanks .It is the first time I have tried to copy anything from Model Railway Journal- I enjoyed the challenge!
  21. Latest building. Now building another loco shed for Bantry-this time with open shed doors,also about to start Cattle Pens. Have also just finished building the Victory Snack Bar from MRJ No 257. I know its not a Bandon building but I liked the look of this so much that I had to build it!.It will make a cameo appearance on Bantry. Hear are some pics.
  22. its going to be another winner David
  23. Top notch modelling all round
  24. Signal cabin coming along nicely
  25. Absolutely brilliant-a masterclass in detail
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