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Everything posted by steventrain

  1. Latest arrive. 49968 Construction Crew Car Set. Prototype: 3 different German Railroad Track Construction, Inc. (DBG) freight cars. Type Kbs two-axle stake car, a type Res four-axle stake car, European standard design with length of 19.90 meters / 65 feet 3-7/16", and a type Fcs dump car. Plausible paint and lettering scheme for the era. 36431 DB Maintenance Network, Track Construction Group, class 233 "Tiger" heavy diesel locomotive. The locomotive looks as it currently does in real life. 36431 came with a digitally sounds and controlled cold steam based smoke unit with distilled water. See video.
  2. Some head to head crazy bidding on other listings. Rare Marklin Blue crocodile with 4 days to go https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Marklin-H0-37564-Das-blaue-Krokodil-DIG-mfx-SOUND-OVP-TOP-D131/391959675979?hash=item5b429e044b:g:pagAAOSw86JaV1XB Look at bidding history. I already have one in my collection few years ago.
  3. I have done vote for you.
  4. My Marklin layout by Central station 2 with some boosters.
  5. 37811 BR50 mfx from 2012 new item. 37815 (same as 37811) BR50 mfx weathered from 2012 new item. 37813 French State Railways (SNCF) class 150 Z (former class 50) mfx/sound from 2012 new item.
  6. 36187 Vectron Class 193 Electric Locomotive 200th birthday of Theodor Friedrich Wilhelm Märklin 1817 - 2017. Limited worldwide to 1,817 pieces. 37154 Luxembourg State Railways (CFL) class 5600 (former class 52) freight steam locomotive. Version with a tub-style tender and Witte smoke deflectors. New items brochure 2012 - Product programme 2012/2013 Marklin Insider 2017 39753 BR75.4
  7. 3649 GM Demonstrator Digital F7 ABA Diesels. 39623 F7 “Ontario Northern” special for USA Market. 3357 BR103
  8. Marklin 3Rails/trix 2Rails production as limited series. Price RRP 599 EUR. But all sellout to orders. Sold out at factory. Some on ebay but nearly 1000 EUR.
  9. Between 30 and 40 mph wind here, No sign of trees fall around and no power cut so fair but lots of leaves on roads. Wind down to about 20 mph or less in next 4-6 hours. I have to drink the Irish whisky for now.
  10. Big engineer around Moria station 14/15 and 28/29 October, Spotted very large green crawler crane about 150 feets from railway bridge over A26 road. It could be new bridge replacement?
  11. Three coaches add to my collection, Paid cheaper £20.
  12. latest Arrive today. 43856 Insider TEE coaches pack with factory fitting LED lighting. The matching will go to Marklin Insider BR103.1
  13. E03/BR103 Electric Fleet!
  14. 3058 BR151 Electric loco.
  15. 3153 E120. Warranty card with written date 24th December 1980.
  16. 3710 BR012 - Box date 1993.
  17. Lima class 33 in CIE livery Note the large running number 215. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Lima-H0-Class-33-Diesel-CIE-Irish-Rail-Tadellos-70er-Jahre-Absolut-rar-/263199034908?hash=item3d47e28e1c:g:KUYAAOSwl75ZtSJp
  18. Trackside OO gauge CIE Lorry http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/TRACKSIDE-OO-GAUGE-SCAMMELL-STEP-FRAME-CIE-LORRY-DG148019-limited-edition-/232473198765?hash=item36207b80ad:g:V1AAAOSwqSVZqb3~
  19. It is Marklin 83019 Class BR216 special edition of 4000 piece in 1993. Railway company logo from around the Europe.
  20. Wrenneire, Have you any idea where the model came from?
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