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The 2 packs that Marks & Grahams only contained one standard and one Genny
An ex member of the forum whom I wont name ( to protect the innocent) converted the gennys into standards and did a fantastic job, eventually
I saw a pack last year selling for €240, and the buyer was delighted to get them
Even the UK Railtrack ones are making £75 - £80 before being converted. 

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The Railtrak JJA autoballaster wagons go for stupid money. €100 plus per wagon, not even per pack.

Back in the golden days of Hatton's, I was going to build a rake for respraying, as Hatton's often had the Railtrak ones for €30 and €40 each.

However, THIS post from @BosKonay set off alarm bells in my head, and I abandoned the idea.

Telling us things without even knowing he was telling us!






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