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NIR 80 Class

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Dhu Varren

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Looking through some old documents, I recently unearthed some useless information about 80 Class formations and liveries in early 1990.

Whilst working in Portrush at that time I made some notes as part of research into the 80 Class with a view to building a set.

The information may be of some use to someone.


Power Car Intermediate Driving trailer Livery




83………………………...........746 or 736…..Maroon/Grey



87 M/G….....763 Sub…….744 Sub


91 M/G….....780 I/C……..749 I/C or 733 Sub

91 M/G….....773 I/C……..753 M/G



95 M/G….....774 I/C……..746 M/G or 753 M/G




99……….......773 or 776..752 or 751.....InterCity


Intermediates and driving trailers were swapped around on a regular basis.

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That ought to be bookmarked; snapshots in time of formations and liveries are invaluable to historians and modellers alike. While I have to confess to having had too many birthdays to be a fan of "modern" stuff like 80's, I am greatly impressed by the great efforts put in by several modellers on this site into reproducing so well, what isn't the easiest model in the world to replicate.


Excellent stuff!

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