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Digitrax Soundbug sfx006 into 141

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Hi Folks

can anybody shed some light on the fitting of a Digitrax SF006 to a 141, via a 21 pin to 8 pin adapter .

The dcc sound decoder comes pre-loaded with sounds , but sounds are possible to change and mix and match through a digitrax PR3

any ideas ?


Edited by Northwest141
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Hi Folks

can anybody shed some light on the fitting of a Digitrax SF006 to a 141, via a 21 pin to 8 pin adapter .

The dcc sound decoder comes pre-loaded with sounds , but sounds are possible to change and mix and match through a digitrax PR3

any ideas ?



I'm not sure you would have enough room for the Soundbug inside the 141 as space is tight under the shell.

Putting an adaptor on the decoder will take up even more space and you more than likely won't have room for the Stay Alive capacitor (if fitted) in either case.

Do you have any pics of the decoder with the 8-21 PIN adaptor fitted to it?

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Hi IrishThump

no pics , it was just a thought , reason being if it worked out it would be ideal for messing about with sounds

i suppose the best thing to do is go ahed and get one and see the outcome

you are exactly right , its the space issue that concerns me

its pretty tight in there ,im nearly sure the adapters are tiny , it might be worth a shot

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I would agree with Irishthump that space is extremely tight in a 141. The speaker that comes with the Soundbug, at 9mm deep, would need major surgery to it, or the loco, to get it to fit. Having had a quick look at the Digitrax setup, as far as I can make out, the Soundbug is an add-on sound system designed to plug into an existing running decoder, which means even more space is required for installation. I might be wrong, but I would suggest a bit more research before any purchase is made.

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Hi Dhu Varren

what i was thinking of doing was changing the speaker , to a smaller one , and see how that goes

and yes it does plug into an existing decoder , and as you both said , space is tight

might just give it a go and see what happens. a project for a weekend :tumbsup:

if it fails , im sure i will find a use for the soundbug somewhere alongthe line

thanks for your thoughts on it lads

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hello. I put a digitrax sound chip into an a class and also a 141. I cant remember right now which one but it was a budget preloaded chip that happened to have the same engine as was fitted to the 141 s . (american) the horn obviously is all wrong. I intended to visit Downpatrick on the modellers open day and record some sounds to fix it up, but couldnt go in the end and pretty much forgot about it till i saw this post !!! I just used an adapter lead to feed from the 21 pin. I got a little power drain but never got to the bottom of it.

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hi rich

yes i was looking into it , i think i will go with a lenz , it might cost a few euro more in the long run .

might be just too much work with the digitrax

i was looking here and i think irishtump has a post on fitting the lenz

the digitrax seemed a cheap option , but as the saying goes , you get what you pay for

i remember fitting a digitrax sound to a Atlas N Scale loco and had terible probs

had to buy a booster in the end to get it working

olivias trains i think is my best bet for the sound decoder for the 141

cant make the show in bangor this weekend , probably would have picked one up there.

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