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850 Nearly there!

A couple of pictures of my progress, I think I am reasonably happy with my progress but how far to take it! when does one say enough! The chimney does not really please me and the camera has shown a few flaws, the gap above the cylinders is the main offender.

First time I have used my Iwatta airbrush,far to expensive but what a lovely tool to use.

Credit has to go to Weshty for the buffer beam decals they really are very good.And Narrow Planet for the etched No; plates which are also very good. He has the information on file so if anyone else wishes Great Southern No;plates I am sure he will help and the price is very reasonable. I have no connection with Narrow Planet other than a customer.[attachment=:name]


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Lovely paint job on her too!


Posted (edited)

just came onto this blog now - dont know how i missed it but delighted to have found it! absolutely stunning locomotive - i am gobsmacked. fair play to you for building this splendid specimen of railway history. looking at a pic of her in Locos of the GSR and i could never decide if she was grey or green liveried.well done - you have a loco to be proud of=D


what chassis did you use?

Edited by heirflick
Mike 84C


Thank you guys for the positive comments it makes the effort worth it. I will post better photos next week when she is back from being Dcc fitted.

Its a secondhand Bachmann V3.



looking forward to those pics!

Scots Mac


Great stuff Mike what a beautifull bit of work..... 10 out of 10 !!

Scots Mac


Hi Mike, well bought a V3 from Rails of Sheffield so I'll be using your model as a guideline. Im hoping to do mine in the lined green. Mind you ,don't hold your breath because I already have so many things on the go ! , but thanks for the inspiration to have a go at this engine !!



Looks great Mike

Scots Mac


just came onto this blog now - dont know how i missed it but delighted to have found it! absolutely stunning locomotive - i am gobsmacked. fair play to you for building this splendid specimen of railway history. looking at a pic of her in Locos of the GSR and i could never decide if she was grey or green liveried.well done - you have a loco to be proud of=D


what chassis did you use?


Hi heirflick, check the book again ,although the pics in the book are monochrome one rear 3/4s shot clearly shows lining and she is listed as having been painted in lined green as per the 800 class.However this was in CIE days ,prior to that in GSR days she'd be in grey. Whether she remained in green right till the end of her life I don't know,as by the last days of steam on CIE quite a few locos got plain black . Can't remember when she was withdrawn though. If she was withdrawn from service in the 50s she probably ended her days in the green.



Absolute gem, stunning!


I showed the pics to Senior, who knew it well. He says it was grey initially and would have spent most of its life like this. I think CIE did indeed paint it green latterly, but it doesn't appear to have been doing much by then.


If I may be permitted one slight detail comment, the number plates should be either all grey, or grey with yellow cream raised edges and numerals. But overall, what a stunner!


How to follow that one.... Maybe an 820, the 4.6.2T based on the 800s, which never saw the light of day!



I should add, the buffer beam numerals really look well too.



Just found this blog after reading your article in NIL. Excellent job Mike sorry I missed this build



Just looking at other posts here - some CIE locos (approx 25 according to the late Bob Clements) did get all-over black in late 50s, but 850 didn't.


The grey livery, incidentally, was also all over, including inside frames, connecting rods, smokebox and chimney; not black smokebox as almost universal with other liveries.



Stunning work, showing great modeling skills

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