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Everything posted by Admin

  1. I've a lovely intercity class 59
  2. Add in the C class, a few hunslets and a repainted 170 as a c3k and you could go over totally to the north side
  3. A few snaps
  4. That's going in the permanent list!!!
  5. Stunning!!!
  6. Cheers Des. Like a swan, you don't see the feet paddling like a mad man If you click to open then click again on the popup you should see full size and be able to zoom in. Some of the drawings are a big low resolution allright. If anyone has scans of photos they can add, please let me know!
  7. At the moment they are the largest file sizes I have available. If anyone has larger resolutions do please upload!
  8. 071. Greatest lump of steel to grace the Irish metals. I reckon a full fleet is required!
  9. In good will
  10. You can view the page at http://irishrailwaymodeller.com/content.php/320-SLNCR-Railcar-B-Drawings
  11. Ballast looks great I reckon! What did you use to filthy it up?
  12. At the moment the file size limit is 2mb
  13. http://irishrailwaymodeller.com/showthread.php/645-071-Supertrain-pictures
  14. Exactly. The settings are based on filesize and dimensions and are set per image type. Let me know what you are trying to upload based on these variables and I can double check, or tweak the options.
  15. Yup. I use the foam tack stuff for lots of jobs as its flexible and can be removed with hot water if need be.
  16. Wow!!! The detailing is beautiful!!
  17. I reckon suitable for ballast. I use their foam tack glue for track. It's a rubbery type glue to let's you remove track if you made a mistake and has excellent sound deadening properties.
  18. Anyone have room for a mkIII in their garden?
  19. Have interacted with the owner on rmweb, the layout is a stunner
  20. Stunning, the liner is very effective with the hornby wagons! loving the Galway rake too!
  21. Can't wait to see this in the flesh!!!
  22. Which running numbers / liveries are the 141's?
  23. Damn! That is pretty! Rich - RESIST! You know you have to
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