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Robert Shrives

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Posts posted by Robert Shrives

  1. Stephen, 

    There is a very good 47foot 3D print  model available  https://www.shapeways.com/product/RG6PYUFWH/cie-47ft-lx-container-flat-wagon.  or https://www.shapeways.com/product/M447LJEE9/cie-47ft-lx-container-flat-wagon?- better finish.

    I have three two in bauxite/ grime and third in black.  The SSM bogie and sideframes with peters spares 10.5mm wheels only need central hole opening out to take pivot on print - this I have drilled for a 1.5mmX 5mm self tapper and washer . Bogie has coupling extension soldered on and await a Kaydee fitting session. Sperry container fits over/ on wagon nicely . 



  2. Well if the  good gents at IRM do not produce  these or a Rotem 22000  in the next decade I would be surprised but in mean while i Iwould think  3 D print body , hornby bogies and a modern vinyl wrap would give a DIY method .  The driver trailer would be fun - in a non fun kind of way...  201s well a differing matter.  

    I guess in not too many years these and the DD sets will be just memories and the railcar will win out.



  3. 6 hours ago, Warbonnet said:

    It's certainly something being considered among other things. We do have an interesting accessory coming soon that we're nearing production completion on that should be popular. A case of 'watch this space'

    A clockwork Rotem 22000 then ... 

    • Funny 1
  4. Hopefully  more will appear in time but risk of money tied in stock . Perhaps bogies will also appear and the weed tanks in time. 

    Given froth on 121s  IRM bunker will move on to Mk3 pp stock after the GSV/ weed control version and class 80 projects - just saying !    



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  5. Des kindly supplied bogie frets and sides for the 47 foot sperry and some very nice transfers so that should get things back into swing except for wheels - out of Peters spares PS33 10.5mm wheelsets - but more in  production as advised today so hope fully not to long to have sperry and flats as a train to display.  

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  6. I guess it is a nod to heritage liveries best not to ask too much as some happy soul less corporate image  munchkin might swing their mouse in frustration at continued good classic image in use and stamp their cloven hoof and demand new image...


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  7. Small brook junction to Ryde on the IOW was in winter time was run as a pair of parallel single lines with the scissors junction out of use.

    If you take it that point work off scene - hinted at by signals visible then just two lines as above quite feasible.  

    By some careful signage you could imply one line was bidirectional with a cross over off stage left and the single lead turnout off stage right , like Cherryville .

    Equally if you placed a platform between the lines you could do a Manulla junction.

    I get my coat ! 



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  8. Hi Thanks for that ! Currently Cov 19 has added a layer of fun to gain access but it is always fun to shovel through old papers, helped save a load of old Ffestiniog railway papers many years ago - gems such as correspondence on horse hire charges from 1850s   and correspondence to old managers about broken slates.



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  9. Hi, Gang sadly no further forward. Translink/ NIR advise the drawings they had are no longer with them. The draws they were in are still extant and labelled 70 class- but empty!   Believed to be with Public records office northern Island (PRONI) who have a search engine designed by James Watt and while it seems to have "UTA diesel train - some papers 1968 " as a listing nothing more useful. This means 252 drawings are some where... Lockdown issues might mean the work has not been added to data base  or they are just dumped waiting attention. 

    All I am after is the GA end of the power car and a dimension of the hopper windows esp the dividing bar  - to hopper or otherway so it can be etched correctly.   



    • Informative 1
  10. Yellow panels are a bit of a moving feast as well with yellow getting bigger on 113 and then shrinking a bit. 111 was small yellow until 8111 renumber but its larger panel looks to be smaller that 8113, with it starting higher up the front and 112 still small from pics seen. Also to add fun, and it cannot have been for long some pics of 111 on test with no logo on the side I spotted on internet today.   

    so much fun to be had with just three locos and a "common paint scheme." 

    • Funny 2
  11. Just to say at the time of these locos being painted I worked on the Ffestiniog railway  and I painted a large fluorescent/ reflective red exclamation mark on Glanypwll shed roller shutter door as it was thought less likely to be shot at then a bullseye stop roundel.  This faded  in about 5 years to an orange just as seen in the photo history of these engines. Perhaps a failing of the product in UV light. 

    I have just painted and older Resin 071 in the light blue - I call it french blue, with the older angular  NIR and a small MIR yellow 111 style  warning transfer. Is this right ? 




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  12. Hi just to hinder  but in Irish Railway memories - A decade of change 1984-1994 by Paul Heywood  ISBN 9781840338195  has a great pic of a brand new 113 on page 43 on a test to Dublin and it has an orange panel - small like 111/112   , August 1984 or mid July 1984. It is also unnamed. I would say it is a darker blue than the french blue 111 was painted in the early days of operation. 

    Happy research 


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  13. Shapeways print mediums have changed over the years and WSF - white strong flexible that B1Lancer used for the 121 now is unavailable.  Smooth detail and smoothest detail while more expensive give a better finish and some N prints I have had from Recreation 21 are much better. This still eclipsed by some home printers using PLA - I have had from Lenny Sweenny  via ebay in 3mm have been as good as production plastic models.  

    It was good to read Shapeways have in partnership with a materials supplier overhauled the range of materials available - but it seems the originator has to upload materials choices  or you get the cheapest option by default which is a WSF furry lookalike.   So hopefully if folk play ball Shapeways will continue to provide a good resource for modellers and many other users.  

    I do agree that sanding SWF is nigh on impossible and that the Normal viewing distance and some imagineering will help (gloss over) the layering.  


    • Informative 1
  14. I have to say I was lucky with the Old Ian Allen book shop who remaindered a pile of MM models a while back including  weathered 177.    At Redditch show 4 years ago I got a 201 for £100 - blue NIR loco to go with the lima one .    

    Some years before at IA they had the Lima Irish coach packs at silly prices so these sit waiting flush glazing and new wheels on some rainy day in the future.. 

    As noted the value of any item is what a person is prepared to pay, ebay in lockdown has seen a lot of inflationary pressures but this ought to be only temporary . 

    Bachmann a while distanced themselves from the Murphy models works saying it was all MM owned and originated so unless the tooling etc was sold on it is down to the good gent wanting to court a factory for a re-run. Perhaps when the aging process of the 121s have passed and blood pressure normal... Interesting to know 7500 as the production run. This compares favourably with numbers banded about for current OO production runs but small to the US railroad productions by Kayder.   




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  15. A bit more done on the loco front with rubdown logos - but these have reacted to testors dull coat and Humbrol acrylic gloss - If anybody has any of the smaller 101 NIR logos tucked away  and open to reasonable offers I would like to get a second set and the MIR red transfers. 

    Flash on 111 makes it looks a bit garish but ok really . Behind ,as I guess are  more across the land, 121 being finished as the rtr model makes final approach and behind 3 A class. 121 is an MIR resin and then two fox A and a white metal Q kits A class- this does need a big motor or a set of jacks as a depot queen.       


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  16. Well the green barriers numbered and a 20foot CIE weathered  also a 47 foot flat for the Sperry just awaits bogies. so orange works in the back ground as well.

    147391853_lockdownmodels25072020007.thumb.jpg.96d0cf5cb1bd08d94cae7952b6fe001a.jpg Three SSM brassgami  and Shapeways 47 footer , bogies on the way from SSM.  


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  17. 3 hours ago, WRENNEIRE said:

    Thought so, very noticeable on 122 . 
    Nice paint job, by the way
    121 looks a lot better body wise, stratification not as noticeable

    Interestingly ( to hijack  for a moment)  Shapeways have announced a partnership with a supplier who is offering the materials used in some private printers that give much better results. I have a collection of 3mm items from a 3mm society member that puts Shapeways in a "cocked hat."  

    Also to add Great work on the 121 and I look forward to the  finished work. 


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  18. I guess we are now spoil (t) for choice.  

    One pack ordered to allow sperry train and weedkiller potential later - just need the coach and tooled up to be the genbrake as well... you know you want to.... 

    Oxford diecast do some good plant so hopefully these will appear on layouts at some time . recent phots had a jumble of older concrete sleepers as a train load as a varation to spent ballast or roadbase stone.




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  19. 9 minutes ago, murphaph said:

    Cheers @Warbonnet Fran but they only have the 20' Bell in stock. No 40' and no B+I at all, unless I'm going blind. Those ones would add real character to an Irish layout. 


    Yes I spotted lack of them as well   -give it time I guess. 

    Just canvassed  the boss at C rail.  

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