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Robert Shrives

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Posts posted by Robert Shrives

  1. George ,

    Might be lucky and find IPA or t-cut  will clean off the panels . The bubble has just had a waft of grey -so perhaps  basis for more work with powders, lets not make it too attractive as  too many will bid...


    • Funny 1
  2. Mike true! But once in the swing of things economy  of scale drops into place - soldering brake wheels becomes automatic and doing a few more allows choice of the best.  Just been folding the container cleats on a second SSM 42foot flat but now cross eyed !  Added brake wheels to the two tara mine ex shale wagons - will give a variation in the IRM rake - found a pic of a six wagon move - which matches my fleet size.  Daft fact of he day Flikr has 18000 Irish rail pictures loaded. - one is a broad side of the wagon I was after .. good job the search function is pretty good.   Handbrakes on cement bogies  as well due to quick delivery from Wizzard models.  

     Mind you three green locos looks like a production line to me !    

  3. Well a few days off work has seen some leaps and bounds on the box of wagons:

    Ammonia tanks got bogies and ride height adjusted, lots more too do ,

    SSM flat soldered up and gone green for barrier 

    Resin bogie cement of ebay with  Stenson models air tank , A1 etched walkway from TTA detail kit, plus decking plate, new top hatches from Wizzard models . Lanarkshire models drawhook .

    Sperry container from 3D print , body join could be better - just need to buy in another 47foot flat from Shapeways .

    Airfix and SSM marriage to get fuel tanks - soldering on the gussets for five wagons was a days fun!  

    1653616495_Irishmodelling06072020009.thumb.jpg.26bcf80cd6d1fcf6c311da9a1c8a1567.jpg586237060_Irishmodelling06072020010.thumb.jpg.417cf61ff84a804cf8d6a0d2a6146392.jpg115194128_Irishmodelling06072020004.thumb.jpg.81e28151c9849ad0bf18257905f4cc17.jpg 1739592288_Irishmodelling06072020001.thumb.jpg.0950c2135fc40886ed8b57d9387256f9.jpg

    Irish modelling  06072020 007.jpg

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  4. Brilliant move and bound to sell well - I will place an order once that is in place.  It will good to see the real loco in the future. And no doubt it be kept a lot cleaner than some locos in the past .


    • Like 1
  5. Mike , They look brilliant and will ensure rtr models advertised shortly ! 

    About an hour ago I added the etched frames to my MV / C class found in a box with a engine shed full of other part built resin, cast whitemetal offerings  - I have 2 silver Fox A class and a white metal one.  couple of Hunslet diesels - one now maroon.  a resin 121  now in orange  and a MIR 111 with broken handrails ...  your efforts put mine to shame you have finished a  two locos and the Sulzer B is coming on well- but looks like a lot of glazing to fit.


    • Thanks 1
  6. Well mine landed today, great work by all involved .  I look forward to future models - even if my account might not be so keen.

    I recall seeing comments on keg and pallets as an accessory pack will this be soonish?  

    Also what chance packs of bogies ? 





    • Like 1
  7. 1 hour ago, NIRCLASS80 said:

    You forgot the Tara’s!😂

    This Liner was just put together for a demonstration of how spoiled for choice we are for wagons with in the last few years and of coarse the marvellous locomotives by Murphy Models. 

    Yes , sorry , must try harder !    Hopefully in a few years a class 80 might rub  shoulders with the 205 ..


    • Like 1
  8. Good to see these looks so well , my two packs seem caught in  a postal time warp/ black hole having now had three differing emails from PO, and  getting delivery to my local PO for today nothing came except another no- reply email saying at Sorting office - which is only doing redelivery and saying I can pick it up !! go figure . Hopefully tomorrow...



    • Like 1
  9. At least one UK signalling centre is built into an equally uninspiring block house but is in a blast proof windowless bunker room   within .  Yet New st station concrete block of a signal box is now a grade 2 listed building to celebrate brutalist design, this new suggested horror for Dublin might match the rest of the redeveloped city so in 50 years time when most has been rebuilt again this will be seen as a gem...  or an eyesore to remind others of the stupidity of "designers" of the era. 

    To me it has neither form or function in good light and if like Derby ROC a dead head white elephant as a carbuncle by an old friend but time will tell.    Hope funds allow an out of city emergency control centre with ability to function when this is a target. Such blatant target information is a risk to all who there and the network and thus the country as a whole.


  10. Big joke would seem to be staff parking on picture if it is 5 floors . Recent developments in slashing public transport have shown the issue of getting staff to work - most live so far away from work that cars is the go to safe easy alternative. 

    I am sure that there are measures in place but putting all eggs in one basket in such a over seen place strikes me as fool  hardy.  York ROC came within inches of flooding after it was built on the flood plain in York, the river kindly showed the supidity... if lost nothing  Doncaster - Durham signalling wise and no comms Kings Cross - Berwick on Tweed, So no ECML...  I recall 3 mile island ...  It is just cost efficient when it works well but degraded and incident operation falls over and network becomes a laughing stock.

    I am sorry to see Ireland will see network suffer at what to some  seems a great leap forward - at believing their own press releases!



    • Like 1
  11. 1 hour ago, WRENNEIRE said:

    Not to my knowledge Rob, Rivarossi was a stand alone company, no ties with Lima although Italian

    Thanks, I will  slide back under my rock !!    I now have 6 N bubbles with pipe work glued on just to fit tail to the large outlet pipe on platform. With heavy weathering no need for decals !  The 111 now is 49 356 Fantasy  loco.  


    • Like 1
  12. Yes Lima N has origins with Wrenn N and this was  merrily overscale to allow motors to fit but had under length trainset coaches , some wagon mouldings were very good in details but oversize.  The UK class 31 diesel could with care, razor saw and a little prayer be converted to a near scale model.  Albeit needing a brand new chassis .  The Deltic was a laugh being too short but way to wide and high with tiny bogies.  It also ran poorly. There was a german V60 given the UK class 17 makeover and a dock shunter that was based on a USA Plymouth switcher IIRC.  The 3F was like the Deltic in many ways.    All worth collecting to show how times and tech has changed but for anything else well each to their own. 

    Wheels were great for cutting food !  Track was code 80 and utter rubbish.  


  13. 3 hours ago, jhb171achill said:

    Interesting - I was unaware of those.... "N" gauge is the "next big thing" for RTR Irish stuff......hopefully!

    Given availability of even a few basics, it is a route I would have chosen, simply to get more into less space. I looked at the Shapeways stuff in that scale, but it's far, far too crude - or was when I looked at it, anyway.

    Hi Some of the shapeways designs showing age but in latest materials possible better , I got an 071 but lines on bonnet sides to hard to sand , it has ended up as a class 49 BR large blue fantasy livery. The 6 cement bubbles I got at same time are on parkside dundas N soc chassis kits and added etched details cobbled from leftovers and some signal ladders and plastic rod for pipeworks - all still works in progress and getting there slowly.   N gauge Mk3s can be repainted from dapol but doors wrong of course and Adam Warr did some vinyls as well. Mk2s from same artwork source but on your own for steam genbrakes . A dutch steam van on Shapeways.     Also 201 IIRC  for a dapol 66 as easiest to cut about having plastic chassis parts.  Given gauge at 9mm is narrow to better 10.5  its all impressionist art really. 


    • Like 1
  14. Lovely work and as said clean soldering does improve - as does regular cleaning. The thought processes in making up bits and trying before final fixing is really necessary .On one job I did we worked out as much coffee drunk as gallons of diesel purchased - we pointed out coffee was cheaper than diesel - it is  all in the planning that money can be saved !

    FWIW DCC supplies have stocks of Archers rivets and currently dispatch twice a week ( Mon and Thurs) 


    Will get in the right part of the website. 


    • Thanks 1
  15. A friends dad had his job change at Westinghouse when on a Friday an order for castings dating back 40 odd years came in for a level crossing pedestal (IIRC) he could have left it to Monday but went to the stores to discover the pattern going into a skip - he stopped it and then complained to the suits now in charge.   I think the Level crossing had been involved in an incident in NI. in the late 1970s - but that might wide of the mark so many years later. 

    As suits had decreed any pattern not used in x years was scrap it was to go as an asset strip accountancy exercise. He kindly noted that items for LT underground had castings as a basis from the 1930s - standardisation  at its best  and throwing patterns away would cost the business contracts and thus profits if the supply was to fail.  he ended up been the pattern keeper archivist and go to guy as a result.  All as the result of diligence.   Bang went the Industry , I believe  now only offices in Chippenham such is the state of the signalling industry.    

    Funnily said suit in chief was my General manager on the Ffestiniog Railway in the late 1980s.  Not a person person it has to be said but adept at getting the best out of the accounts- "difficult decisions" as  noted above costing friends their jobs. 

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    • Informative 1
  16. Hi 

    Steve as  a one man band is busy- I think he pulls 27 hour shifts most days !! made worse by the viral event .  JHB try his "contact us" page - it worked for me the other day . His site contact email link I recall was OOS during an upgrade a short while ago. Steve does when time allow look over at these pages.  

    I think a while back he had stopped on some very esoteric suggestions - trade off on time V money back in the tin . A slight revision on newer packs  works better  hence his complete loco pack idea - you order and he will respond PDQ to get number required. Like my 3mm class 40 106/ D200 pack it then goes on general release as it is easy to push the go button.  Older packs may well be on older version softwear and Steve tries to convert to latest version - sometimes being the perfectionist  this is a total redraw as a slight improvement  on perfection is possible !       

    As a hobby were are so very lucky to be supported by such sole traders .  The 201 pack was a surprise but possibly it was commissioned by a fellow on this forum - if it was you thanks !


    • Like 2
  17. Hi New transfers from Steve , £9.50 a pop   looking the deal with V.6 printed plates  3D printed on trasfers, folk will be printing cream teas next ! 

    Stay safe and keep well .






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