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Robert Shrives

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Posts posted by Robert Shrives

  1. Hi collective !

    Just two questions can anybody confirm the size of the hopper windows as fitted to the  70 class towards end of career ? - Allen at worsley works has prepared new drawings and would like to get this spot on.      

    Secondly on the cab end the windows as etched might not be quite right they seem to large all round to me and Allen is after an end drawing of the power car so we can confirm and correct if necessary .  

    Many thanks in advance.

    If you have not seen it check out Darius` build of Allen`s etches, If I can do half as good ...  



  2. I don`t think the rods will fit on though! .... good project have you got spares for it ? 

    171 mentioned above £335 ...  spare arms and legs easily available it seems !  


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  3. Garfield, 

    A quick goggle stroll did not help with  definitive answer but one pic of a an old LBSCR referred to an even smaller compartment as a dog box.   The BR vans had full height fodder compartments   but I cannot see a label in any pics - such is life. 

    On the Ffestiniog Railway we have a guards van with a dog box - albeit this now used for electrical stuff ! 

    Happy Sunday


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  4. Great idea from the bunker - small order placed.   I wonder if selling the weed killer tanks as well might help income.  

    Some 40 foot Bells would be very popular I suggest.  


  5. Good to see  this progress , PM sent and I bet it will be a real colour!   I have used a frame as pattern for cutting glazing and will make 12 to ensure stocks for second one and choice for good fit .

    Thanks for the tip on graphite to keep grills clear .


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  6. And a bit more  SSM flat  in brunswick green - Humbrol rattle can  and cement pallet two tamyia blues but still not too sure.Second flat in same condition just waiting on more bogie sideframes , a third that was bought in S/H in glued up state over being soldered has had some glue reinforcement and couplings sort - all on Kaydee 20s  , barrier tanks and container frames to sort. 1270858113_Irishmodelling10072020001.thumb.jpg.7705f83c6c0a3aa62b176bc1d397ba2e.jpg    

    Irish modelling  10072020 007.jpg

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  7. 10 hours ago, K801 said:

    very nice, i'll be getting one if some more RPSI Cravens are released for it to haul

    Do not worry about "If" get one now as they will all sell and you will regret it as and when more cravens appear.



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  8. 19 minutes ago, jhb171achill said:

    I agree, Robert, but I’d say it would be a brave man who would suggest it to the RPSI guys! 😅

    But money talks !  and unlike the infamous police 37 where the white paint did not was off the Western was returned to its blue glory a few days later. I would think a light tack vinyl coat to protect the base coat for most effects. 

    Looking forward to ordering one when the good folk have an opportunity to safely update systems. I wonder if the driver trailer that is conserved at  the West Clare could make a comeback?   https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4241/34650105654_bc012ee185_b.jpg



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  9. I recall a Western being weathered for a gala  so perhaps RSPI can be encouraged to weather it in a few years for a season.  The class 50 gang on the SVR have painted locos several times in past years to suit sponsors or specific publicity events. So hopefully the 121 will get the chance to rotate colours over the years.        

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  10. Good to know Eoin you get multiple requests - and this will be a tip of the iceberg . While some might cough at the price many will not - Bachmann in UK have whacked up prices and stuff still sells. When folk will pay £3 for  cup of average coffee or £200 for sweatshop designer trainers, that sort of price for a model is  good value. 

    It is how to get the likes of the good lads at IRM towers to invest in effectively 3 locos worth of work at the same time - it would surely push back other projects as no money tree to hand. At least not the massive variations as seen in the 121 over the years so one set of tooling and one livery so it would only be painted numbers to offer market choice for multiple sets.   The newly released Bachamann 117 at around £270 might be seen as a bench mark. But with tooling and development costs £150K plus is a big ask... 


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  11. ICR 3 car most likely as that is what is seen, the 071/201 container train good as well - need crane and liftable containers for play value as add site.   Equally a 201 and Mk4s as an express train  might give a wow factor.   

    Gauge wise to maixmise sales I think 16.5 will be the only way to go - IRM have shown easy to make convertable so it is not a real problem. - Having stocks of 21mm wheelsets for drop in replacements - I wonder on minimum order 10,000 axles?     



    Should have added - most likely wireless radio controlled and on board battery to simplify the get up and go play time would align to current electronics and wifi fever. Also of course idea for parents with no practical skills of wiring so no embarrassment on Christmas day 2022?....  

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  12. George ,

    Might be lucky and find IPA or t-cut  will clean off the panels . The bubble has just had a waft of grey -so perhaps  basis for more work with powders, lets not make it too attractive as  too many will bid...


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