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40 milepost

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Everything posted by 40 milepost

  1. An iron girder bridge locally called the war horse bridge as it had an ad for warhorse tobacco on it.
  2. Brilliant the see the CVR railcar in front of the real thing. All be it in Donegal colours C Flanagans , Fenaghey Jct. Also a highlight. A most enjoyable day.
  3. Cultra today , a great setting
  4. Just one more
  5. If a relief was needed it usually worked through with a CIE loco and crew usually on a Sat but not always. That last shot is Ballymena believe it or not. A class leading a returning empty fert from LY passing a stabled rugby special from Limerick .
  6. Usually the GM worked the ferts to LY, but if none were available it could be a hunslet or an MV ,which had to be double headed as far as Ballymoney or topped and tailed. 2 shots at Ballymena.
  7. As far as I can gather there are no trade stands due at this show.
  8. Looks like ur having bags of fun there !
  9. Update on Cregagh show List of exhibits First Bangor oo and N gauge layouts T trak N Ulster MRC oo Killagan oo Glenabbey oo Clarke lego Jay Miaville N MRSI Castlefin oo9 Road runner G9 Foote N North Down oo St Columbas N Trebor Park oo Plus a couple of non railway stands. Should be a good show.
  10. No further details yet. I hope to take Killagan along. Will post further info when it comes to hand.
  11. Show coming up in March Fri 13th evening only and Sat 14th Cregagh Presbyterian church hall Cregagh Road Belfast 1.4 ml from Lanyon place station catch the 6a bus Cregagh-Model-Railway-Exhibition-Flyer.pdf
  12. Both locos were crewed and on full power on the bank out of Ballymena. The rear one was detached at Ballymoney as one could cope on the relatively level line on to Derry . A double headed version ran once too around this time quite a rare operation.
  13. MV or NIR C class one on each end . Must have been a real shortage of locos that day.
  14. 2 . 70 class units on empties 3 for a full load even so it was quite a slog. A full load for the 70s was 7 ferts I think
  15. The silverfox Hunslet can be bought as ready to run ,or finished body ready to pop onto a bachmann/hornby class 20, or as a body kit with all paints transfers etc included. As I already had two class 20s I went for the middle option they run well and look well too. The mk2 coaches are handy enough to paint in the blue/grey to match. I will check out what paint I used for you. Look up silverfox models/NIR locos. Ian
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