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Dempsey last won the day on March 19 2024

Dempsey had the most liked content!


  • Biography
    Instagram: @irrailways
    Youtube: https://youtube.com/@barrackstreetyard?si=ADvdpZAz3YZJnOOb
    Always interested in acquiring IR or IE 071s.

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  1. Cheers Rob. Great to get back at it after the break
  2. With better lighting and painted shaded, and weathered the hard standing in this area is coming along nicely.
  3. Correct DJ, it is the free version.
  4. Layout update. For the first time in a long time I got the chance to work on the layout. Spent the day working on the "concrete" around the large shed and putting down the first layers of paint. Great to be working on it again. Excuse the bad lighting.
  5. Having recently weathered some for a fellow forum member and seeing how nice of a wagon they are I regret not getting some when they were available
  6. If some cie flats turn up in the clear out, I'll take a pack
  7. Placed an order yesterday afternoon, delivered this morning. Impressive lads, thank you
  8. Coming late to the party on these but will there be stock available after pre orders are dispatched or is it completely sold out as per the website?
  9. I know the lads a long time from when they set up their airsoft shop. Very passionate and easy to deal with and show genuine interest in their customers projects.
  10. Excellent
  11. Excellent news for many. When were these withdrawn from Dublin/Belfast service?
  12. As disappointing as I'm sure the news is for some, IRM's openness and honesty I'm sure we can all agree is brilliant in keeping its customers up to date on issues. From my point of view at least.
  13. Brilliant narrative jb
  14. While I would like to see a IRM take on these two, I'm going to go with some form of steam. As there does not seem to be an accessible model from a competitive price point. I'm open to correction on that but that's just from my knowledge on what is available.
  15. Brilliant scene
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