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Everything posted by Irishswissernie

  1. Although described by the photographer as a Grain wagon this appears to be one of the 20T bogie wagons that was not converted, ie. no side hatches, ladder over the 'doors' and roof hatches. It appears to be in a rake of cement vans so probably in use for that. 402 Belfast Grosvenor Rd, Bogie Grain van 1706 + CIE vans. 17Mar65 M Shannon/DR Dunn Collection
  2. According to Colin Boocock's Locomotive Compendium Ireland, they were re-engined from 1984 on with 1100 bhp 8 645E engines taken from withdrawn C Class locos. One of the reasons was to provide power for 6 coach Mark 3 push-pull sets introduced at that time between Dundalk, Drogheda and Dublin Ernie
  3. There appear to be 3 grain wagons in this enlargment of a photo taken by Henry Emeleus at Monaghan in March 1959< They appear in other photos at Monaghan in my GNRI album on flickr
  4. I only purchased 2 lots covering Bundoran, Enniskillen and the SLNCR and also a Lot covering Waterford , Cork and the CBSC all early 1950's. I believe all the rest bar 1 lot covering the Belfast area ca1950 have been purchased by a Syndicate with the intention off passing them on to the IRRS. It is possible that the Ballymena -Red Bay negs may not have been auctioned yet. There is a further Auction in the Autumn once we have got rid of the 'Lurgi' EDIT Checked the Negative catalogue HCC was at Ballymena in August 1930 but he didn't take any photos or apparently travel on the Red Bay line, he took one photo of a Parkmore train leaving Ballymena but a fair number on the Ballymena and Larne line. These are in the Autumn Auction.
  5. This would tie up with my original post of April 17 where Michael Bunch wrote in his book that 11 coaches were at the platform. The Arrivals platform would be 10 carriages plus the arriving loco at the buffer stop or approx 11 coaches. Alan Godfrey do a map of Derry but it doesn't go as far as the Swilly Graving Dock terminus and has only part of the Donegal Victoria Road station.Most of the GNR station is covered but not the sidings and loco shed area. The NCC Waterside station is all there though. Its the official OS 25 inch map reduced to approx 16 inches to the mile. Ernie
  6. Todays video upload to Flickr is from June 2001, On train behind 169 from Ballybrophy to Limerick via Nenagh. Rather 'bouncy' in places (no stabilisers on camera then) but the sound of 169 is quite nostalgic: As usual click on the image to play to show the correct 4:3 images. Another of the negatives received yesterday . I think its 607, at Ballina with a quite interesting branch train. I hadn't realised the location of the old loco sheds in the right background.
  7. Half a dozen negs arrived out of the blue today which I have identified as split between Sligo Quay and Ballina early 1950's. This one is I think Sligo Quay and I think that the L shaped handrails were an ex M&GWR feature. Can anyone confirm? The other 2 Sligo Quay negs are of ex SLNC vehicles. 2 of the Ballina negs also added. Note the number of vehicles behing the J19 on the stub of the Killala branch
  8. I am cracking on with converting my 2000-2005 video tapes to MP4. The plan is to upload them in 9 minute segments to Flickr in date order so as to provide a record of Irishrail activities in that 6 year period before the demise of most of the freight traffic and the advent of mass railcar introduction / withdrawal of most of the locomotives. To date I have uploaded 12 videos for May 2000, 4 for October 2000 and 3 out of 29 for June 2001. A further 11 for August 2002 are done and I have just completed the first Digital 8 conversion for November 2002. I have uploaded this one out of sequence to see how it looks on flickr, mainly North Wall on the 12 November https://www.flickr.com/photos/irishswissernie/49938059096/in/dateposted-public/ I shall probably upload them at 1 per day and gradually remove earlier shorter or edited versions as and when the new ones reach them. I reckon there will be getting on for 20 hours of reasonable material in total.
  9. Just switched my order from Hattons, maybe taking a chance on the Euro/ sterling exchange rate worsening but what the hell! EDITED Don't need to worry about the exchange rate I've now paid for them (8) up-front, also if Madame finds out its too late for her to do anything about it! Ernie
  10. Thanks Ballymote it is I've just checked out a Jonathan Allen shot of the Box and Goods shed. That didn't take long!
  11. I have been picking up the odd negs and slides recently. Can anyone identify this view? I think its of an Irish station but it may well not be! Slide dated May1986 EDIT Identified as Ballymote.
  12. Link to latest video uploaded Limerick Junction to Waterford behind 163 June 2001 https://www.flickr.com/photos/irishswissernie/49918027733/in/dateposted-public/ More photos have been added including some Cavan & Leitrim negs and also these 2 views of Mullingar in 1956 G2's 659 & 667
  13. Another video instalment uploaded from May 2000 https://www.flickr.com/photos/irishswissernie/49908303827/in/dateposted-public/ I have also uploaded a number of photos of WT 55 being re-railed at Portadown ca 1963/64 taken by Mike Shannon, now DR Dunn Collection. Link to this one https://www.flickr.com/photos/irishswissernie/49908234461/in/dateposted-public/ This one displayed below and 2 more links underneath it https://www.flickr.com/photos/irishswissernie/49908234546/in/dateposted-public/ https://www.flickr.com/photos/irishswissernie/49908234591/in/dateposted-public/
  14. I think that you are seeing what appear to be steps but its the other rail, the steps are quite indistinct , I can make out one under the 'shack' door. I've done an enlargment but I only have the original scan to work off.
  15. Its the 6 wheel wagon in this weed-killing train, Barrel at the far end and a 'hut' at this end.
  16. I think you missed the error 40 people per 1000 SQUARE MILES ie. Take the average width of a beach between high and low tide. this would work out very roughly as 1 person on the beach between Dublin and Dundalk. The BBC have now corrected their boob to 1000 square metres! I have been in Lock down since 9 March when the first case in the North East happened at the Church where my wife, daughter and her husband who live with me attend and had been in close contact with the person. So we had 14 days lockdown then the nation wide scheme came into operation. My daughter and son in law both work for the NHS (he on a Covid Ward) so we have all been extra careful. I take the dogs out at 4.45am before Haltwhistle awakes from its slumbers then its indoors for the rest of the day (unless DRS are sending the flasks through then i venture 50 feet to the overbridge for a quick video) Next wednesday I will make my first trip out of Haltwhistle after 72 days to Hexham Hospital for an MRI Scan; I think I would rather have stayed in Lock Down! Happy Days, maybe not!
  17. This is on the BBC News web site "As countries across Europe begin to ease lockdown restrictions, authorities in Greece are reopening more than 500 of the country's beaches. Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis says he wants Greece's tourism season to begin in July. For now, sun-seekers are required to respect social-distancing rules on the beach. No more than 40 people are allowed per 1,000 sq miles" Seems a bit OTT
  18. Latest 2 videos on Flickr are: I've added them as a link rather then embedding them https://www.flickr.com/photos/irishswissernie/49897040887/in/dateposted-public/ Limerick Junction - Limerick City May 2000 This also shows the crossover at the platform barrier end being used to run round (It had gone a few months later) https://www.flickr.com/photos/irishswissernie/49899693088/in/dateposted-public/ Limerick, Limerick Junction, Mallow & Cork Too make up the loss of tantalising part images of the videos this 'eye candy' has also been added 402 Cork October 1960 GT Robinson 131 arriving at Connolly 1959 JG Dewing Other Irish images have also been added, there are a fair number still to put on flickr. Ernie
  19. Or just look at my cover photo left! It has been doctored though to "Lough Ernie"
  20. I seem to remember I acquired some 141's / 071's in exchange which are now on Glengarriff. I don't really have enough room for 0 scale. I'm trying to persuade my son Alan to do some 3D printed SLNCR locos in 4mm but at present he is tied up building an extension to his kitchen. One day!! maybe!
  21. Its one of these 2 repatriated some years ago from my loft. They were jointly built by my friend Iain Young of Sans Pareil Models and his loco builder who lived in Sunderland. Ian did the knocking out of the rivets on the etchings and no doubt ended up with an RSI!. Original North Star kits as were the 2 PP Class I also had built. Des acquired the kits from North Star Design after they decided to give up on Irish prototypes. I think they had only produced 10 PP kits and I acquired the last 2. I went back to 00 scale
  22. 2 more videos from May 2000 now uploaded. Drogheda with 149 and a bubble , GNRI 171 passes south then back to Limerick via Thurles with some freight shunting and ECS work in the late evening sunshine. Lastly if you are a fan of Class 37's , especially the Cornish China Clay variety then you might like this video. Displayed as a link to avoid up-setting General Motors enthusiasts! https://www.flickr.com/photos/irishswissernie/49887062746/in/dateposted-public/
  23. Todays offering from 9th & 10th May 2000 includes bagged cement at Limerick Junction, then off to Drogheda for 077 on Tara's 134/176 come off the Gypsum from Kingscourt and go on shed and 149 arrives from Platin with 1 bubble and some bagged cements . After adding the latter to the gypsum wagons 149 retrieves the bubble and in the next video (tomorrows probably) goes on "shed". There are also some scans taken by the late Ken Groundwater of spoil trains etc at Carrickfergus. Click (s) on the image as usual!
  24. 251 was a J9 according to the ABC 1949 reprint. Found this view of the 2 styles of J5 which I havn't yet put on flickr. Taken by the late JW Armstrong in the early 1950's 635 plus another unidentified one behind at Broadstone
  25. More of Limerick Junction 9 May 2000, 20 years ago - it only seems like 5 years but apparently this is a symptom of old age! 164 arrives and departs again on the shuttle and 226 on the Cork - Platin Bulk cement mts drops off a wagon into the up sidings for servicing at Limerick works. This was a regular routine and I videoed it a few times over the years. A 141 would trip the bulks to and from the works. Again double click and then click to get the whole 4:3 images.
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