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Everything posted by Irishswissernie

  1. I came across this one today whilst sorting out some Swiss negatives. Rather faded or possibly lighter paint on the Container end. Some 6 years after Bell Lines folded. EDIT Another one at Goschenen 26 May 1988 20 foot containers , white roofs but possibly one grey or just dirty.
  2. About 40 negatives of station views in the 1960's landed on my door mat last week and now I have finally finished up-grading Swiss video to MP4 I have scanned the negs today although none are on flickr yet. Here are 4 which might be of some interest. I have overlaid the titles on the photos - they won't be so adulterated on Flickr.
  3. My CBSC Album on Flickr might (or might not) provide inspiration and the web site http://map.geohive.ie/ Look in the Data catalogue top left hand corner and click on Historic Map 25 inch (1988-1903) and enlarge to the CBSC area for track plans
  4. The Flickr 1956 Trip Album has reached Strabane today and other views added today are of Waterford: 263 under repair in 1953 and CIE 1953-08-14 Waterford 150 on 10.45am to Macmine Junc. Interesting alteration to the platform and addition of an inspection pit in the foreground.
  5. I have the 1953 WTT and all the trains in the notes ran then but no mention of through coaches or bread containers. I had also completed a scale model ( invoking the view at 500 feet rule) in order to work out the moves but have been hindered in completing my examination of the manoeuvres by a.) one of the dogs ate the bread container model and b.) my missus suggesting that really I should perhaps go and have a lie down. I plan to continue my investigations after she has gone to work tomorrow and after locking the dogs in their cages.
  6. I'm still trying to get a grip on the manoeuvres at Bundoran Junction. I've got some plasticine somewhere so am thinking I'm going to make little lumps marked for the different locos and stock and draw a diagram of the junction and move them according to the writers notes. I think the bread containers according to the notes came from Enniskillen and are now being added to the Enniskillen bound train which doesn't make sense unless they were picked up at Ballinamallard and it was easier to do this operationally. Or I could just take some paracetamol and have a kip!
  7. With regard to the 1956 Trip album currently being uploaded (ont Flickr) I have scanned the photographers notes rather than laboriously typing them out and have added them up to where the uploadings at. Tomorrows are at Fintona Junction and Bundoran Junction
  8. The Ballina branch train was stabled at Claremorris but connected with the Dublin Westport trains at Manulla. However there were no run round facilities at Manulla so in the up direction (to Dublin) The ECS followed the Dublin train to Claremorris once it had made the connection at Manulla and then as ECS preceded the train from Dublin to Manulla and made the connection there for Ballina passengers.. Now if you are watching my videos this didn't happen as they were doing trackwork on the Ballina branch so it was a bus connection from Claremorris rather than a train from Manulla. I had arrived at Claremorris specifically to do the Ballina branch and was talking to the Station Mistress saying it was a bit disappointing having to go on the bus and after a few minutes she told me not to get on the bus as she had decided they were going to run the train up to Ballina for it to make the evening connection with the last Westport Dublin train and I could travel on it from Claremorris on its outward journey to Ballina. I don't think the Guard was all that impressed with her as he appeared to be looking forward to a short shift that day.
  9. Glengarriff Farmers Warehouse is now more or less finished and embedded next to the Loading Bank and Goods shed. Painting is a bit rough because my eyes and co-ordination are playing up a bit. Hopefully it won't be noticed once the foliage etc is done. I have been collecting bits for the S&DJR MkII and have been attempting to acquire some more of the Gaugemaster ballasted underlay. Apparently after checking out some 20 odd online shops only to find its been out of stock for over a year. I accordingly telephoned Gaugemaster to find out what the problem was and the German company who produce it say the supply of the basic foam material has been unable to supply it. Gaugemaster say the German Co. have found an alternative supplier of the material and if things go to plan they hope to start manufacturing the underlay in 2021. Meanwhile good old E Bay has been having a field day with £25 rolls going for over £55. As a last resort I contacted a Trader here in Haltwhistle who usually deals at shows just in rolling stock and he had 3 part rolls which I obtained for £5 delivered to my gate! More than enough for my needs. Some you win!
  10. No idea who photographer was but they came via Robin Fell (Trotskee) who acquired the albums with copyright. He only took photos at Strabane on his trip which was one of only 2 he had made to Ireland. Do you want scans of the prints for the Museum John?
  11. I have typed out the photographers notes for volume 1 (as far as Ballyconnell) and added them split in 11 parts immediately preceding the batch of photos they refer to. I havn't typed up the remainder from Vols 2 & 3 but will get round to it some day.
  12. Thanks for your kind comments. From the photographers notes he ran out of film in Enniskillen which explains the dearth of phots taken there and left early the next morning going straight through to Omagh where he obtained fresh supplies and then went back to Bundoran Junction before returning to Omagh and then on to Strabane and Derry. Unfortunately for us he didn't spend any time on the SLNCR and didn't travel on the CDRJC but makes up for it by a fair number of views at Bundoran Junction, Omagh and Strabane. The plan is to upload 3 or 4 each day for the next 10-11 weeks.
  13. I quite like the look of the 6 wheel versions and intend to get a rake for the Sligo & Donegal Mk11, as being an independent company it would naturally have some of its own stock as well as stock working through from the CIE and GNRI systems. They would need to be lettered up S&DJR which shouldn't be a problem transfer wise!
  14. I think this was normal practice when I visited 2003-2005 particularly after they had built the houses next to the sidings. The loaded train ex North Wall usually came in around or after midnight and if the empty wagons had already been assembled into a train it cut down the shunting and noise. The loads merely had to be reversed into the Guinness siding and the oil tanks (if any) into the oil siding and the loco then backed onto the mts train ready to depart to Dublin. Using the Ballina branch loco wasn't a problem as it sat at Claremorris for several hours between runs. Just acquired this Graham Roose view of earlier freight shunting using the Ballina branch loco 24 March 1997.
  15. 190 is also a new build by the Ffestiniog Railway at Boston Lodge following the Manning Wardle design as amended by the Southern Railway addition (Lew) Its been around for a few years as I think its 10 year boiler inspection was due this year. One of my favourite performers . It was used a few years ago on the annual Ffestiniog Subscribers special to Dinas on the Welsh Highland and by hanging out of the first carriage window next to the loco I got an excellent video of it blasting back up to Rhydd Ddu driven by Paul Lewin (General Manager) who made the odd emergency stop to repair lineside fencing on the way.
  16. Work is continuing on Glengarriff Farmers Warehouse. The Sundeala has also arrived for Sligo & Donegal Mark11 and has been secreted away in the loft. Next to order is some 2 x 1 for framing etc but as this comes in 4 metre lengths it will have to be cut before I can get that to safety.
  17. A couple of rolling stock views today. Unfortunately J G Dewing didn't record the coach number
  18. Swedish railways are standard gauge 4'-8 1/2 not 5'-6'' and are actually linked by a bridge and tunnel between the Malmo & Copenhagen localities to the rest of Western European mainland systems and also the the Norwegian System. There were a fair number of 3'-6" and smaller gauge local lines which have all either closed, been converted to standard gauge or the odd preserved bit. Finland has 5 feet gauge as it was under Russian control until WW11. Ernie
  19. Back in the good old days this time of year meant get that flight sorted and the B&B booked because in a few weeks time there were trains to be photographed/video'd. A couple of Graham Roose slides recently acquired. Locos were 085 141 & 123 28 October 1995. Waterford Yard.
  20. There were also 2 fairly distinctive types as seen in the short train below 2 of the earlier type with the 'skirts ' on the tanks and 2 of the later not so numerous type.
  21. Not a pair of 141's giving it some clag on the beet out of Limerick Junction but I caught this one last night 37423 not quite creeping through Haltwhistle Centre of Britain which brought back memories. Don't be tempted to turn up the volume!
  22. The Ballybrophy E Bay slides are by Graham Roose. I have acquired a few more of his . Here are some single coach + van ones. Ennis 24 Feb 1999 & Cloughjordan 11 April 1999
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