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Posts posted by Dave

  1. I dont think its a better option than the Cobalt, the Cobalt is more powerful and just as versatile. The big advantage for Cobalt is fitting time, I'm currently installing a large layout for a customer with 34 point motors. The Peco system would take a long time to install and setup were the Cobalt point motors were fitted and wired in a matter of hours. For me the Cobalt is a no brainer! Plus it has a lifetime warranty and I have the agency for them so I'm a bit biased :P

  2. Hi Dave,

    I didn't fancy the big outlay for the Noch applicator either, but thats a great alternative. Very effective looking static grass. Will it do the longer fibers too? Say if someone wanted to model crops/rough grass in OO?



    Hi Tom,


    Yes it will do the long fibres you would need a larger mesh for it to work well. I found it hard to justify the price for the Noch and others even though I will be using it a lot.

  3. Thanks lads, David I made this for commercial use. I am currently working on a very large layout with large areas of static grass so a bigger sieve is essential. I also have them on long leads to make life easier.

  4. Thought I would show you guys a cheap option for a static grass generator. I know there cheaper alternatives out there but this has the equivalent power output of the Noch that retails at €150, built for less than €50!


    I used a negative ion generator and powered it with 12v DC from a transformer. Bought a tea strainer for small areas and a sieve for larger areas, and they work a treat!




    2014-01-12 17.30.21.jpg

    2014-01-12 17.29.26.jpg

    2014-01-12 17.28.02.jpg

    2014-01-12 17.30.46.jpg

  5. Yeah but I've read about US modellers turning one loco of a pair into a dummy because they couldn't get them to speed match.


    It's just a matter of setting up the CV's on the decoder properly and using the same decoder in the two locos, I run a pair of 141's together and when they are uncoupled they run in perfect unison.

  6. This came up a couple of days ago http://irishrailwaymodelling.com/showthread.php/2791-To-Cork-or-Not-to-Cork


    The only real advantage as discussed is the raised shoulder when ballasted. As for sound as soon as its ballasted the sound is transferred back through the ballast. The only other advantage if your baseboards are slightly misaligned the underlay makes up for it.

    My baseboards don't suffer from that problem!

  7. The lad that arranged it just did it to give the money to hand in hand charity for sick children not to make a profit.It was great to get out of the house.Its nice to support good causes had a good chat to baseboard Dave he is the man with a great idea that people want.I for one wasn't disappointed as I have a fantastic layout at home and Dave when you are back in Salthill at the end of the month I hope we meet again


    Cheers Mike :tumbsup:

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