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Everything posted by Darren.d

  1. Its a shame to see so much of rail history here demolished.its good to see its being documented.
  2. This is purely nostalgia for me.an interesting part of irish model rail history.first train set i had was the c.i.e superfreight set from hornby.have recently bought 2 c.i.e hymeks and wagons that were in the set..as of this I'm only getting into the hobby over the last couple of years.
  3. Was talking to one of them on Saturday at show in raheny.never crossed my mind to ask. Cheers for that.ill email them and ask. Dar.
  4. Was thinking of making a version of the gnr signal box that was outside Connolly station and demolished in the 80s.iv seen a few pics of it.to me the base looks about 10 ft wide and about 50ft long.was wondering if anyone had an idea of the dimensions of it. Cheers Dar.
  5. Cladding in 1.5mm balsa sheet inside and out for strength.
  6. Cheers for the offer.bit tapped out after the raheny show..
  7. Was on ebay recently and came across what was advertised as a murphy models class 33 in supertrain livery.i bid on it at about 80 pounds sterling and decided to look online at some pics of the model on the forums.the one on ebay just didn't look the same.the seller on ebay said was from a trainset but didnt have 215 on the corners and the tippex stripe was very thick looking compared to others id seen online.my question is are there variations of the model,or are they all the same?I withdrew my bid.curious as to know are there fakes out there . Cheers Dar.
  8. Frame in 6mm balsa wood.500mm long so far.500 more to finish.have done side building separately in wood and clad in card before adding outer covering and roof,windows, gutters etc.
  9. I went to school on the push pull trains.dont remember if 121s were on them.do remember the 201s and the railcar plastic seats ,in the winter they would have small pools of water on them from rain running off peoples coats.that was the late 70s.
  10. I was looking at that.its exactly what I need.would need multiple sets.curious if parts could be bought separately. Would need enough for around 700mm of track times 3.
  11. Think iv some old straight track pieces. Might do up a few test bits and see what works on a short scale before trying to run a long length. have 4mm styrene rod..
  12. Saw this myself yesterday.exactly what id need.would need multiples of it.my shed is 260 mm wide and 1000 mm long.with 3 tracks inside.maybe I'm being to ambitious for a first build.thinking a 3d printer might be a cheaper alternative ,as need raised walkways ,vents and roof details.
  13. Was thinking of scratch building .using lengths of flex track onto square rod of styrene.a 3d printed post with a chair for the rail would be ideal but iv no access to one. Cheers for the help.its good to hear someone else's ideas.
  14. Have started building a loose replica of the shed at Connolly station.im stumped as how to model the raised track on the inside of the shed.any ideas would be great.
  15. Darren.d


  16. Thanks for the help.that thread never came up in my search.
  17. I'm the same.no clue as to other parts at all.
  18. Anyone able to tell me where all the detail parts go onto the mm 121?can find nothing online.a few have me stumped Cheers
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