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    Monasterboice Co Louth


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    Iron horses and the four legged variety too


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    Retired engineer

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  1. CIE 30 ton brake van? The missing link in the wonderful range of wagons produced by IRM
  2. On its return journey it sped through Drogheda just after a packed train from Dublin arrived. The Drogheda fans cheered as it went through! Great to see so many travelling by rail.
  3. As always, you have hit the nail on the head!
  4. The reopening of the 27km Navan-Drogheda line to passenger service has been raised with the NTA/Irish Rail/Minister etc on a number of occasions by local groups (part of the rational is to generate an economic hub in the north east on the Navan-Drogheda-Dundalk triangle which is independent of Dublin). Trains for Dublin that currently start in Drogheda could instead go from Navan without a requirement for new paths on the Northern line. However there is no willingness to progress with the proposal. The longer term solution is the direct Dublin-Navan line.
  5. Unfortunately decisions made over the decades that allowed building up to the boundary of rail lines have resulted in very high costs associated with an increase in track capacity on the Northern line. But we still haven't learned our lesson as witnessed by the construction of a greenway across the Malahide estuary on the piers that were intended for an additional track.
  6. With respect to Point 4, the issue is indeed too many trains and not enough track capacity. With hourly Enterprise services this problem will get worse. DART+ Coastal North will create chaos unless significant upgrades are carried out. Many of you will be aware that the Railway Order consultation phase is currently under way for DART+ and has been extended until 23 October. It is well worth making a submission. Just in case you haven't the detail these are attached below: DART+ Coastal North – Railway Order Update. Given your previous correspondence in respect of the DART+ Coastal North project, I wish to inform you of an important update regarding the Railway Order application for this project, which was submitted to An Bord Pleanála on 12th July last, reference number ABP-320164-24. An error was identified in the pre-application consultation file submitted with the Railway Order application. In compliance with a request from An Bord Pleanála, Córas Iompair Éireann (CIÉ) has now submitted a full and complete version of the pre-application consultation file. As you had previously expressed interest in, and submitted correspondence in respect of, the project, we are notifying you of the update to the documentation. The updated file, along with the draft Railway Order and accompanying documentation, will be available for inspection from September 9th, 2024 to October 23rd, 2024 on our dedicated project website www.dartcoastalnorthrailwayorder.ie. Additionally, these documents can be inspected free of charge during normal office or opening hours at the following locations: • An Bord Pleanála, 64 Marlborough Street, Dublin 1, D01 V902 • Planning Department, Dublin City Council, Civic Office, Wood Quay, Dublin 8, D08 RF3F • Planning Department, Fingal County Council, County Hall, Main Street, Swords, County Dublin, K67 X8Y2 • Fingal County Council, Grove Road, Blanchardstown, Dublin 15, D15 W638 • Planning Department, Meath County Council, Buvinda House, Dublin Road, Navan, County Meath, C15 Y291 • Planning Department, Louth County Council, County Hall, Millennium Centre, Dundalk, County Louth, A91 KFW6 • Donaghmede Library, Donaghmede Shopping Centre, Grange Road, Dublin 13, D13 XW28 • Rush Library, Chapel Green, Rush, County Dublin, K56 ED95 • Balbriggan Library, Saint George’s Square, Balbriggan, County Dublin, K32 TW27 • Drogheda Library, Stockwell Lane, Drogheda, County Louth, A92 PY20 • Iarnród Eireann, Connolly Station, Amiens Street, Dublin 1, D01 V6V6; and • DART+ Coastal North Project Office, CIÉ Inchicore Works, Inchicore Parade, Dublin 8, D08 K6Y3. In light of this update, the period for public submissions has been extended. Submissions can now be made until October 23rd, 2024. We encourage you to review the updated documentation and provide any comments or questions within this extended period. Should you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact the DART+ Coastal North project team at Tel: (01) 233 4515, or through our email address DARTCoastalNorth@irishrail.ie.
  7. You have hit the nail on the head. Rights of way should have been maintained in many cases but this would have required long term planning, something that Ireland is not good at. Speaking of rights of way, has anyone noticed the new greenway being built on the Malahide viaduct. It takes up the space that was allocated for a third track across the estuary. And this is being done when the new Irish Rail timetable on the Northern line is under severe strain. This position will get even worse when hourly Enterprise services are introduced in a few weeks, not to mention DART+.
  8. Irish Railway Records Society presentation this evening by Irish Rail indicated that DD stock will be withdrawn in 2027 and new tri-mode trains introduced in 2029 (diesel, battery and electric). Electrification to Drogheda will be 1,500 V DC and 25kV north to Belfast. Subject to correction but I think I noted it accurately.
  9. It just gets better and better!
  10. I'd wait for the ICR following on!!!!
  11. Well said. An hourly timetable is certainly to be welcomed but the obvious consequence is a service with even more delays than we have at the moment. This will become even worse with the DART+ extension to Drogheda. An elephant in the living room that must be obvious to all but is being studiously ignored by the NTA.
  12. Great model Patrick and superb photos. Keep them coming!
  13. Is this a hint at a run of blue/maroon stock from IRM along with a Hunslet?
  14. Same with me.
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