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murphaph last won the day on July 19 2024

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  • Location
    Brieselang, Germany


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    See my fert pallet transfers: https://www.adverts.ie/models/irm-fertiliser-wagon-transfers/28690273

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  1. All these years and I never realised the chevron was lined. It's a really nice touch and makes it pop.
  2. Cracking stuff. Anyone even half sitting on the fence with a bit of an arsecheek should order one before it's too late.
  3. €200, but you won't find them anywhere for that now.
  4. Great. That's good to know.
  5. So if I was to order IRM stuff from the AS website in the UK it would be delivered duty paid to me in Germany?
  6. RIP Chris. Terrible news.
  7. Cheers Stephen. Previous order for 3 Hunslets has no delivery charge associated with it. This one for 3 packs of the oil tanks has the €7.50 charge.
  8. Just bumping this. If it's a glitch should it be corrected before payment is due?
  9. Bullet bit. One of each set ordered. I'm sure I'll figure out a way to widen them Are EU deliveries not free anymore or is that just a glitch? The order process says €7.50 delivery charges are due.
  10. So ca. 1995 we would have seen these wagons pass through Kildare on the way to Galway in block trains?
  11. Did they pass through Kildare on the way or were they routed via Mullingar?
  12. Lovely looking wagons. I doubt many people expected a team up with Heljan! Facinating stuff. As the chassis will need to be cut to regauge, does anyone have a picture of the underside of a BR one? It would help me assess how easy or difficult that task is likely to be.
  13. They'd certainly be on my order list!
  14. Man I wish I had that Knight Industries Two Thousand "de-pixelator" right about now!
  15. Only if you have a deck. It's clearly not an overarching priority right now but they'll get there.
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