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J-Mo Arts

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Everything posted by J-Mo Arts

  1. Does anything suit the N2 class chassis?
  2. I wonder, if these are popular, might we see some "pre-grouping" Irish versions? That would certainly spark my interest
  3. Oh those dark green ones are tempting...
  4. As did I! Many thanks for letting me have a go! Lovely to meet JHB and Airfixfan too
  5. Phwoar, only just found this. Incredible stuff!!!
  6. Take care Ken, sorry to hear the news. Lovely work with the layout!
  7. Well you've beaten me to making a joke, and made a better one that I could've. Thanks for shattering my comedic aspirations...
  8. Thanks Alan, it looks stellar! Might have to have a go myself!
  9. Sorry to bring up an old thread but I've just seen this, and I like it a lot, do you have any details of the build?
  10. Another picture, this time with unblocked windows and on the club layout. 388 simmers in the headshunt as carriages are shunted around the yard.
  11. The mogul is pretty much finished: Of course I've only just realised that the windows are still masked I presumed 388 would be in this livery before or after the red lining was removed, I may be totally wrong but I don't think many people at local exhibitions will know any better. There are parts that are wrong, I couldn't face hacking off the smoke deflector bracket bits and the BR numberplate still has a shadow, but overall I'm really pleased with this loco and I can't wait to finish all the coaches. Posed on a friend's layout.
  12. Exactly like mine then!
  13. A 6 coach train is impressive, I don't that'd even fit on my layout properly! I'm hoping to finish my stock off to run on a club layout. I hope it'll turn some heads at upcoming exhibitions!
  14. Thanks and will do! Those look great! Next time I'll be sure to spray the lining colour first. Thanks for the advice, I hadn't thought about trimming the edge of the tape, I'll keep that in mind
  15. Unfortunately they're in the darker shade, or as close to it as I could get: The two coaches with separate sides there have beading above and below the window which will greatly help, and for the others I will use lots of masking tape and patience!
  16. Thank you very much jhb, for the information and the very kind words. The reason I asked about the coaches was because I've sprayed some coaches green (BR Mk1s- please look away purists!) and have ordered some snail transfers, but I didn't buy any of the EdN bands. I may well just paint these on by hand as the transfers for them were very expensive.
  17. Hi all, quick question- were any CIE laminates painted in the dark green without the Eau de Nil stripes above and below the window line?
  18. While thinking about this project, I've worked on a different one. All that remains now are couplings, and potentially a handrail on the smokebox, should I ever get round to that. Freelance 00n3 0-8-0T inspired by the Nasmyth Wilson "Aurrera" and in CDR red livery. The weathering was very enjoyable to do.
  19. Thanks very much for the livery details! Very useful indeed. I had been looking at that older thread, but the more detailed explanations of liveries are much appreciated. I think I'll paint it black and decide later whether to add the red lining or not. Somewhat annoyingly the eau-de-nil snail transfers I've found have the same colour of numbers, not yellow... The old thread:
  20. I'm back from a lovely 2-week trip around Ireland, with lots of railway bits crammed in of course. I also have picked up a Bachmann N class with a view to make it a CIE mogul as a 'souvenir'. I'm at a loss with which livery to paint it. I really like the one-off black with red lining, but I was thinking of doing plain black for ease. I was also wondering about this photo that I found: Apologies for the low-res. I was wondering what the provenance of the lightning bolt on the smokebox is, and whether I could use this on my mogul to hide the BR numberplate that unfortunately is moulded onto the door. My second question is whether the colour of the flying snail on the loco and on carriages is the same, as I've got one loco and 4 coaches to do Thanks!
  21. Love the 3d printed track. Hope the headshunt gives you all you need operations-wise. Your work never ceases to amaze!
  22. What's it got at the moment?
  23. That's very interesting. I don't find green frames sounding as nice as claret ones, but I'll go with what's prototypical. Painting is a fair way off yet, plenty of time to do some digging in case the dark frames could be used Not to imply that your loco is wrong or worse or anything, you've clearly used information from an eye-witness, just my personal preference on liveries!
  24. I read on a thread today, from @jhb171achillI think Up to 1903: all locomotives, goods included - a shade of green barely darker than current Isle of Man, or not unlike the LNER in England. Frames brown, lined red, green parts of loco lined in black and white. On tenders, "M G \\ W R" (\\ denoting the MGWR crest). Lettering shaded gold.
  25. Picked this up to make into an MGWR loco as shown in the thread on this forum: Apparently I didn't have enough projects all on the go... I found this image: I'll do the loco in this early livery of lined green with lined brown frames. The donor loco seems to be between a J10/P class and a J26/E class. As such I don't think it should carry the name of one of either class. If anyone has any thoughts about that or alternative name suggestions I'd be happy to hear them!
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