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Killian Keane

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Killian Keane last won the day on October 27

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  1. Time to pull out the Christmas Elf again
  2. Ive had more than one enquiry whether the 800 will fit the Airfix tender drive Royal Scot, it occurred to me this is an awful lot more accessible to most people than the hornby version, so Ive secured one from UK Ebay for the princely sum of £23 and will be making a version to fit
  3. Oh dear perhaps I oughn't to have done such an adequate job on the 800 LOL but no if we get enough backing Id love to do this whats the rule of thumb? 'if you have a 4-4-0 and an 0-6-0 you can run 99% of Irish steam era trains' or in the earlier era a 2-4-0 and 0-6-0
  4. Its already looking very elegant indeed, seems to glide along
  5. I for one wont be going back to them, I was getting a lot of complaints from customers about the shocking print quality, I was making very very little money, and my customers were being charged through the nose (2-3 times what I charge for high quality resin prints), I had abandoned them long before they declared bankruptcy
  6. 234 at Mullingar, shot by Casserley, 7th June 1932, sporting distinctly Midland style smokebox chimney and buffers, I understand this was one of the last 2 of the class built which became redundant before delivery due to the GSWR takeover of the WLW (plenty of J15s to go around after all!), with subsequent sale to the Midland
  7. Hi Rob, its making slow and steady progress in the background, my main priority at the moment is finishing up some payed jobs before the end of the year, but providing theyre done in the next 3 weeks or so, I hope to make significant progress on the WLWR loco over Christmas week Latest progress is sandbox fillers, running board steps and the start of smokebox mounted lubricators P.S Ive also been chatting with J Mo about doing the ugly rebuilt versions, which I imagine will be more in keeping with most peoples modelling periods, if lacking the elegance of the 1890s/1900s version
  8. yes on all counts, and thank you very much
  9. Ive come across a photo of 27 after rebuilding in Locomotives and Railways volume 4 (1903), so thats one checked off the list
  10. My wallet really didnt need me to see the Chaldron wagon 3 packs reduced down to 44 euro! Edit; after ordering 2 sets they're only 32 euro each before postage tax etc, bargain and perfect to go with the Manning Wardle I have on order with Rapido
  11. Just added a few more items
  12. Ive just done up a quick google doc of various items Id like to move on, take a browse if you like and dm me if theres any questions or offers, I dont know how much interest there will be as its mostly british stuff, but we all know the perils and expense of importing so its handiest to offer the stuff here first before sending it back over to Brexitstan! Ill be adding more when these are gone and keeping the doc updated, thanks for looking https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hKmWM8x-OkyMy67sDcX2vrHQMyjAG7mfCHt6PfnQ2QQ/edit?tab=t.0
  13. They're quite good little engines really, lots of diecast on them, I also have the W4 but that ones fate is decided as a chassis to go under a printed body! I have quite a few other british locos and stock to be selling on as I have a garden railway and a vintage Austin to fund
  14. I have a green NCB version of the B2 peckett if thats any good? bought it for the chassis but I wont get around to that project any time soon, Id do it for 100
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