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Everything posted by 228RiverOwenboy

  1. Perhaps! Cool seeing another photo of it! Hope there's more...
  2. Here's the same DVT mock up in Inchicore in May 1988! Credit - seagoebox/Michael ...Was she repainted and given different headlights in 1989? Or is this a different mock-up? Credit - SouthernYard on YouTube
  3. On the topic of liveries and 121s, that reminded me of something... In '89, 124 received a "Suburban" livery; essentially the IR (1987) livery but with a dull green stripe. A Mark 3 was also given this treatment, but the livery on that was very short-lived, even shorter than 124's livery. Apparently the idea was a mix of the DART? I'm not too sure, I wouldn't take my word for it, but that's what the description below the original photo had stated. Does anyone have any more photos of this livery of 124? Perhaps even the unknown Mark 3 that had also received a similar livery? Any info is much appreciated, thank you. Credit - seagoebox/Michael
  4. Indeed! Still curious as to what/how she's doing as we speak...
  5. Still can't get over how gorgeous she looked in May '22... Spanking clean too - a sight I like to see! Credit - own work
  6. Anyone know what platform she'll be rolling into Connolly?
  7. That's what I'm wondering haha... Hope they don't treat her like B141; used her once for a railtour and let it sit in a shed... I personally think that the colour scheme was a little unwise... As a lot of dirt/dust will make it look like a weathered silver A Class!
  8. Fair play to all members involved; great work!
  9. Oh how I love to see an update on the Maam Cross project! Great work so far. I must wonder, how did the brake van catch fire... And when?
  10. You'd be right in saying that... Also, weren't these things prone to overheating constantly?
  11. My apologies, sir. I actually did have a question in mind about said project... Is it going to be a mix of narrow and broad gauge? Or is the narrow gauge just temporary and will be laid over with 5'3 track?
  12. https://www.alamy.com/moyasta-junction-clare-ireland-27th-june-2022-a-diesel-locomotive-awaiting-restoraation-at-moyasta-co-clare-ireland-picture-david-creedon-image473781922.html?imageid=452A6CBA-69A3-4AA8-8CB3-A9FD68D7FAB9&p=442236&pn=1&searchId=91b0f9d6628079325dcdb446db126405&searchtype=0 And so you were right... Lol
  13. Oh? I wasn't aware of that! I really hope it isn't gone... That'd be another C' lost to the scrap heap!
  14. I do agree with you, I'd love to see C227 cosmetically done up. To those who are wondering where she is... Well-https://www.google.ie/maps/place/52°18'52.8"N+7°08'54.1"W/@52.3146815,-7.1485529,342m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m13!1m7!3m6!1s0x0:0x87ca7776c120fbe0!2zNTLCsDE4JzUyLjgiTiA3wrAwOCc1NC4xIlc!3b1!8m2!3d52.3146667!4d-7.1483611!3m4!1s0x0:0x87ca7776c120fbe0!8m2!3d52.3146667!4d-7.1483611 It's sad to see how badly she's rotted since 2001... Poor thing...
  15. What a way to be preserved... I remember coming across it in person, and it felt really weird seeing such a shunter being disguised as some goofy steamie!
  16. I must wonder though... Is this I must wonder... Is this the shunter that was cosmetically restored in Belturbet station in Cavan? Or is there another origin of this shunter...
  17. I'm not too sure... I came across it in person during the opening day in May 2022, but I didn't take much notice of it - I honestly wish I did though! I think it may be an 88DS model by the looks of it...
  18. Oh my, if they picked a livery like that, I'd be certain that it'd look more stylish and classy than no.1 "Carlow"! ...I'm excited to see more of the Maam Cross project, I've been constantly checking for more updates haha... Very exciting for me!
  19. D'awww, no 230 in Connemara; haha! I wonder if they'll do her up into something like the RPSI's "Carlow" Ruston...
  20. Apparently someone (somewhere online) said that a shunter will be making it's way to Maam Cross at some point... Would I be correct in saying that it'll be this? Or will 230 be given a new lease of life?
  21. 450 Class driver unit
  22. Hello and good evening; I've recently come across the different types of IE Mark 3s, particularly the Citygold and Executive coaches (7161 & 7162). I was wondering if there was any difference in the seating (upholstery-wise)? Were there window curtains added them like the Mark 4 Citygolds? If anyone has any knowledge or photos, please do show or tell - as I am currently attempting to compile as much info as I can! Thank you. (7161 & 7162 and 7156)
  23. I wonder where it is now... Perhaps at said Greenway in Limerick?
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