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  1. Hi All, Just wondering if anyone has built the Worsley Works Passage tank kit (Cork Blackrock and Passage Railway - CBRPR) and how did you find it to assemble? Think I found a ref photo on web of one assembled (attached). Thanks
  2. Hi All, was just re-reading over this and was wondering if anyone has since used the Worsley Works etches of the Passage tanks?
  3. Hi Gabhal, I am located in Dublin city centre.
  4. Hi Could anyone advise where to pick up red/black bus wiring in Ireland. I've looked online unsuccessfully. I'd prefer to purchase at home then resorting to ordering from UK (also the shipping cost are equal to equipment in the order). Thanks
  5. Top one 2600 series railcar. The bottom standard Mk3 loco hauled (PP Mk3 had the open windows)
  6. Hi All, Would anyone know what colour the CIE narrow gauge carriages were by 1950s? I thinking from looking about the net, its white or cream uppers and brown lower (see below-thanks to Ernies site). But the floors and colour of the upholstery I'm not sure of. I have seen reference to GSR 'second-class' cloth for seating post 1925, what colour would it of been? The C&L original carriages seem all over dark down/brown with white roofs. Rebuilt C&L 1L, light scumble? interior with white roof? Any idea of the cushion seat cover colour and floors? Rebuilt bus body 7L, more difficult to determine, maybe cream interior? wood coloured window frames? Bus seats colour unknown, by with silver trim. Ex T&D via WCR, brown lower and cream tops, similar to the recovered10T below? 10T as recovered with cream? topped, brown lower and white roof. Any advise or info on this much apricated. Thanks
  7. Thanks. I spent a good 20 mins looking at the the colour shades in MarksModels during the week, just wasn't able to find a faded maroon shade to match the LRTL tour photos. The etch primer and then maybe a spray and light primer might help lighten it before applying the livery. But will I've some brass frets to test on before applying anything to the body. Yes, the green on carriage 11L is also faded, that's another headache for later to see what colour to try match that up with Would you have a suggested what to use for normal GSR marron? Cannot seem to get the Phoenix Precision spray shipped over. I seen a recommended a Halford Rover maroon? {cant recall the one} on this forum, but couldn't find it stock in Halfords anymore.
  8. JBH, what colour would you recommend for the faded salmony pink colour for worn/oou stock. I'm thinking like C&L carriage 1L was by 1953. Thanks for all the invaluable info.
  9. Hey anyone got the working times for next weekends tour? thanks
  10. 813 does look great in that green. Remember seeing it buried in the shed back in 1997, was in good condition even as a tarry. I had always thought it was non-corridor compartment as it was a suburban dia carriage, but the ends show a corridor plated over. 1910, local services diagram
  11. So has the RPSI fully vacated from the old loco shed and sidings?
  12. I don't know about the broad gauge ones, but I've a number of narrow gauge Rc21 Shapeway prints and so far they have been goods quality. The usual steeping, washing and rubbing down before priming. Fingers cross the next one has no issues.. A given tho that not as detailed as brass kits. It would help if accurate drawings were to have for producing 3D CAD and prints. Best regards, Peter
  13. Hi, Would the W irons, axle box and springs have been painted grey with the rest of the vehicle IRL?
  14. Hi, would anyone have a pic of brake van 191L from the other end. Also trying to see what the inside might be like from the open platform end. Thanks
  15. There was at least one of the brake vans still in use in 2004 for the oil transfer between Alexander Rd and Heuston. I have a hi8 film somewhere of it, will have to dig it out.
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