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gm171 kk

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Posts posted by gm171 kk

  1. Thanks Richie but apparently they were used on container liners first and I was looking for info about when they were converted to timber wagons as I would rather not start messing around with a model that may be already suitable for running with Irish stock.

  2. Has anyone got any photos of the 62'9'' container wagons now converted into timber wagons in use on container liners? I have bought a couple of the Hornby kfa wagons which are very similar and am trying to decide whether to convert them to timbers or not. They are a very nice wagon as they are and very expensive!

  3. Thanks for posting Deutschbahn! I think it looks well especially with the white logos. I will be getting a model of it when one is produced that's for sure. Maybe Paddy Murphy will bring a pair out with 209 and 230.

  4. Get a tube of silver paste and put it into the gaps, let it set and sand it in with fine sand paper.


    The second problem sounds like a short circuit protection issue. Get a multimeter and check for good continuity around your track circuits along the individual rails.


    What is this silver paste Railer and where can it be bought?

  5. I suppose I could try pull the rails together and it will leave a big gap somewhere and I can fill that in with a bit of spare rail, but some of them don't have gaps like in the last picture and that makes the worst sound when a loco is passing over it.


    I will try that too irishthump.

  6. I have recently relaid all my track as it was made up mostly of old hornby track set track. This time I used become flexi track and there are parts where the locos just make a fairly loud thump when the pass over joints. These joints have small gaps cause by either cutting the rail too much or by the method I used to cut the track. I am just wondering how am I going to fix this problem as I'm afraid it will damage the wheels on my stock. Any help would be welcomed.


    Also every time I change points to move from one ring of track to the other my trains just stop and the screen on my controller goes blank and starts to make a ticking sound. Help on this would also be appreciated.

  7. Here are another few pics of my scratch built fertiliser wagon. It is awaiting the final coat of paint, decals and hinges and locks on the doors. For this I am thinking of using maybe some wire and more plastic card.


    The containers were put on the wagons for weight purposes as the MIR wagons curve into the middle which makes one set of wheels on each bogie rise off the track causing derailments.


    IMAG0335 (2).jpg

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  8. @ dave182, yep I'm pretty sure they are. Last time I saw one was last March though in Clonmel.

    @201bhoy, as well as night works, the timber liner runs during the night. It usually only passes on the line closest to where I'm living in Kilkenny at the Lavistown loop at about 11 every Thursday and Friday night on its way to Waterford with a laden train of timber.

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