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gm171 kk

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Posts posted by gm171 kk

  1. Hopefully she ll be back, hopefully this incident will lead to the re introduction of the egv and stop the high hep hours that the 201' s are suffering from.


    Irish Rail said on Facebook that the MK3 EGVs will return to service this month. But this was over a month ago and before this incident.

  2. My MIR bogie flats are bent up which causes some of the wheels to not even reach the rails and containers to not lie flats and tend to rotate on the wagon after a while. They are painted so I don't want to put them in boiled water and I have tried the hair dryer method but the resin returns to bent shape it was before I heated them once cooled. Does anyone have a solution to this as this problem is really doing my head in? Thanks.

  3. It is said that the Dapol prestwin chassis is best and has many parts that can be used to make pipes and other detail for the bubbles as well as just being useful for a chassis. Studio Scale Models supply a brass detailing kit for the detail on the tanks and also a set tranfers. I'm just wondering how you plan to make the tanks as I have tried using the old kinder eggs and found them to be a bit too small so I began gluing two of the smaller ends of the current kinder eggs to a piece of pipe to get the correct length.

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