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Everything posted by Kirley

  1. Got the Ballast Wagons to this stage. Waiting until Gareth returns from his Hols to find out where to put all the fiddly bits.
  2. Thanks Eamonn for posting and please thank your mystery friends for a view of his layout. At this level of standard he should be posting himself and giving us the benefit of his modelling skills.
  3. Hopefully it will be in the early part of 2014
  4. Well done Owen, when you compare the first prototype to this it’s just a world of difference and now hits the high standard of professionally made models.
  5. Thanks Lima, an MPD is on my (long) list of things to do and I am delighted with your very helpful build description and pictures. Looking forward to the next instalment.
  6. Thanks David, are you still on course to complete this year?
  7. Any update on progress please?
  8. Nice job on the Brown Van. Please please more detailed information on the MPD build?
  9. Well done with that roof, its a great job.
  10. Progress on the layout has slowed down. After a field trip to Clonmel I decided to do a mockup of the Goods Shed in Foam Board just to see what the construction involved and whether my guess measurements looked right when scaled down to 4mm's It's my first time using Foam Board and I found it easy to use. Not sure if I've got the width of these loading bays right. Would anyone know if the loading bay base would have been on ground level? Trying to get the overhand of the roof right, after the initial cut I reduced it some more. I've ordered Wills Rough Stone sheets for the walls and Wills Slates for the roof. This will be my first time building from Wills other than their Kits. I'm sure it will not be so easy to work with as the Foam Board.
  11. The Trainman had one in his shop 2 weeks ago, try http://www.themodelshop.ie or ebay, one comes up every now and then.
  12. 67 mm, lovely work, I wish I had your eyesight.
  13. You have not been keeping up while on holidays, entry on this in NEWS 3 weeks ago!
  14. Thanks John for adding your extensive knowledge of these matters, it was very helpful. The Yellow Irish Cement Depot sign is still on the centre doorway.
  15. I looked at the OS map and was surprised at just how crowded the station area was in the 1900's. This Station ends up with so many eras one could model and I'll have to decide on which one.
  16. Thanks BosKonay for the Carrick link, that interior shot was just what I was looking for and their Shed is so similar to Clonmel.
  17. I think you have got it MFH, the opposite gable only has the rail entrance and a window high up. So probably when built this gable end was the same and at a later stage the centre and right hand doorways were added. Still hoping someone has an interior shot of a Goods Shed.
  18. I visited Clonmel on Saturday and got over 160 photographs and some measurements of the Goods Shed, Station and area. On seeing the Goods Shed up close you can see how it was changed over the years and lead me to wonder how, in its heyday, a Goods Shed worked. Obviously Goods Wagons were shunted into the Shed and unloaded to vehicles on the roadside of the Shed but I have not found any photographs of one in operation. Hoping to tap into the vast pool of knowledge out there.
  19. Ballast Wagons -Assembling the Bodies. As I suspected the cutting out was the easy bit. Assembling the bodies means getting each corner true to 90 degrees which for my clumsy fingers was not easy. The first body I did can be seen on the extreme right of the picture and will testify to how to get the angles wrong. For the rest, when I was putting the four sides together, having bent the plastic card inwards, I used the floor as a template to work too and placed the body on top of it. That made it easier for me to get the angles right. Now I'm at the filling/sanding stage which needs to be taken carefully and with patience - and again that will test me.
  20. Your Cattle Wagon looks good, looking forward to seeing it with the roof on. The C Class looks a lot of work, I get the impression you have to work against rather than with the Resin body. Just going on your photographs the finish does not look smooth. Does that mean lots of sanding prior to priming?
  21. Looks tedious work but already there a hint of what's to come and that makes it worthwhile. Keep at it.
  22. I’ve start work on making Ballast Wagons following Hidden-Agenda’s excellent Tutorial. Gareth has provided a list of items needed, where to get them, diagrams with all the measurements in mm or .5 mm as well as photographs of the various steps. I used the sharp edges of my gauge to mark of the measurements, it made things so easy, I set to the gauge to, in this case, 6 mm and you can mark the length of the styrene sheet. The cutting out was the easy bit, now for sticking it together.
  23. I have been working on the Centre Section of my layout on a station area loosely based on Clonmel. It always amazes me the amount of space you need to model a real location and compromises have to be made. Rather than a straight run of track I had to curve the station area to fit into my layout. This was mainly to allow the Goods Shed to fit into the available space, I had to move the points for the Goods Shed siding back three times before I got the proportions right. The height of the shed is only a guess but the footprint is accurate, I hope to get some measurements soon. I am planning to build it using Wills Rough Shone Sheets. That’s the most of the hard landscaping completed, now it’s time to wire up points and track and ballast the track before working on the platforms and buildings.
  24. Kirley

    NIR 80 class

    Thanks Ivor for your follow up. I suppose if it works for you...... I've built some NIR railcars with Lima motors and it drives me mad having to continually clean the wheels to ensure a good pick up. I think I have a Tri-ang DMU in the roof space, must dig it out and see how it runs and whether it can be converted to DCC. I would love to see your layout progress, perhaps you would start a 'Carrickfergus' thread in the Layout Section? Your UTA Signal box looks really well.
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