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Everything posted by Kirley

  1. Great improvement to the SF model Sentinel, how did you find doing the LED's? I agree with your sentiments in that you "Walk the Walk" rather than those who just "Talk the Talk".
  2. Homebase or B & Q I think.
  3. It quite straight forward, just plaster of Paris bandage with fillers behind it(newspaper, polystyrene, foam packing, whatever is to hand). When dry I paint it grey. Later I would pour on PVA glue/water mixture and use scenic materials to cover. Any sheer areas are left giving that exposed rock look. See previous post in this section where the painted Plaster of Paris can be seen.
  4. Hunslet came up trumps with a drawing, many thanks Andy.
  5. This is my second lifting bridge taking the track onto the middle section. I have installed cross over points on the bridge as it was a shame to not use the straight length of track. The Halt Cutting Bread delivery at the Halt Cutting. A Jeep has brought the early morning delivery of bread containers to this goods platform. An old Ransomes Rapier 6Ton Mobile Crane was send down from Grosvenor Road Goods Yard to speed up the collection and dispatch of the bread containers. The wagons courtesy of PM and the Ransomes Crane by Langley Models.
  6. The 2 Gatwicks + 112 have been sitting on the York Road siding nearest the M2 for the past 2 days. Not sure where they would be going as the centre road in Bangor is occupied by stored Castle Class Units.
  7. Kirley

    Sad Sight

    On the M2 motorway yesterday and passed a lorry with a cutup Castle Class on the back. It must have been on its way from York Road to Ballymena for its final destruction. Sad sight.
  8. Great finish to these models with your added details making them more lifelike. Alas the demise of MIR, I wonder how many unmade kits are out there?
  9. Thanks, I know he did one from a Class 03 Shunter, still holding out for a Prototype Drawing.
  10. I am contemplating modelling the DH class of Northern Ireland Railways which was a diesel-hydraulic shunting locomotive. Despite considerable research I have failed to find the overall length and width of this locomotive. Can anyone help please, it would be great to get a Prototype Drawing but I would settle for the basic dimensions. .
  11. Thanks for sharing, the photographs give a great insight into the railway workings of that time.
  12. BBC NI news report: Cross-border Enterprise train passengers drop by 22% The number of passengers using the Enterprise cross-border train service between Belfast and Dublin has dropped by 22% over the past 10 years. The figures were detailed in a consultation paper prepared by the Department for Regional Development. The BBC's Ireland Correspondent Mark Simpson reports. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-northern-ireland-22512303
  13. What a great way to run a layout, to have a crew to do all the track work, can they do the dropper wires as well?
  14. Thanks Guys, I've another 2 wagons to extend so I try the Revell to see how it works for me.
  15. The construction of the base of these wagons is metal covered in a light plastic coat. Have you done this conversion and are you basing your comments on your findings, if so what adhesive did you use to achieve your results please?
  16. It's to do with the length of the wagon with the weight on the bogies at either end. I used epoxy resin initially but when sanding prior to painting, the joints between the plastic and the styrene showed. It seemed logical that if the base of the wagon was metal and you were extending the length then some material of equivalent strength was required to fill the gap. Sticking 'those lumps of rail in' was the best solution I came up with and that's why I did it.
  17. I have been asked how I did the extension to these wagons. If you saw at the end of the body you can make a clean cut between it and the bogie section (sorry lost the photo of this). Then I drilled 2 holes into the bulkhead and used rail to provided the strengthen support and filled the gap with styrene. . If I was doing it again I would not use rail but maybe some brass right angle and run it the full length of the body. If there is any flexibility in the body, the joins between the plastic and the styrene will show. Also the containers fit snuggly into the" pockets" and the rail does not allow the containers to sit right to the bottom of the pocket. It was a learning experience and hopefully anyone else who decides to do a conversion can avoid these pitfalls.
  18. The windows look good Eamonn, like Hunslet I have always cut mine out of Perspex but your way ensures no gaps. Must try it on future projects.
  19. Your weathering provides that extra layer that lifts your models to a higher level, well done.
  20. If you put Timber Wagon in the search box at the top of this page it should pull up some relevant entries.
  21. Your B101 has had a long gesticulation period Eamonn but knowing your work should be worth the wait. The countdown has started.
  22. Great to capture this footage Anthony, our roving reporter
  23. I got a reply from James Mackey who sent on a catalogue of his range/proposed range which is quite extensive. Worth a look.
  24. Read this article as well John, someone a while back but up some new Irish Freight models on ebay but never listed them again. Wonder if it was the same person? Worth exploring further.
  25. If you want to bring back some memories of Lisburn Station, have a look at the last chapter Jim Edgar's NIR Archive Vol 1DVD, showing "Reggie the Porter" unloading mailbags and lighting Station Signals.
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