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Everything posted by Kirley

  1. Restoration in action. I saw the Hunslet in Whitehead during the various stages of bringing it back to its former glory. Hidden-Agenda, it must have brought back good memories to you after all the work you did on your detailed Model of this Loco. The video was an excellent production, well done Mark Kennedy and team. Great find Mogul.
  2. Oil Tankers Thanks Guys for the info. I finished painting them, fitted couplings and wheels. Test run while waiting on transfers Weshty, then a bit of weathering to finishing them off.
  3. I have started on the centre section of my layout and was intending constructing a figure of eight track involving the bridges constructed on each side of the layout. Not having a well designed plan (I know, I know) when it came to assembling the figure of eight it dawned on me that it would not work out as I had envisaged. Plan B Now I’m going to build an inner loop of double track using the Centre Section for part of it. First thing was to demolish part of a Flyover and realign the track run. This was the old bridge Now it’s gone. Built a new ramp to take the track up to a level above the Helix. You can see how I work, organised chaos. Glenderg has come up with a drawing for the Helix entrance. Next stage is laying the track (temporary) and testing.
  4. Nice views, thanks for sharing.
  5. Thanks for the suggestions Guys.
  6. Had a quick look at the Dapol Pocket Wagon. While this wagon has plastic sides the base is constructed of lattice work plastic which is covering a metal sub frame. The need to have strength over such a long wheelbase is obvious and the danger of cutting the wagon in the middle and adding an “extra piece” could weaken the construction fatality. This had made me shy away from tackling this modification unless someone can come up with a workable solution.
  7. Some great detail on your layout Ciotog, really looks the part.
  8. Anthony "Rails Through The West" have great pictures of Stations and some track plans at the back of the book. Station looking good.
  9. Thank you for making the time (when available) -looking forward to a good read.
  10. Great video, lovely to see her in steam.
  11. What is the correct length? Looking at the pictures shown of the prototypes they seem fairly close and there was nothing in SSM instructions other than reduce the length of the chassis which I did. The only reference books I have (Doyle & Hirsch) don't give an overall length only a 10' wheelbase for these wagons.
  12. Working on 5 Dapol Oil tankers using Weshty’s Detailing kit. The 6th tanker is one I completed before the kit became available The extra white pipe is Evergreen tubing, this vent pipe was not included in the Kit but shown on pictures of the Tankers. Ready to prime and paint.
  13. 26th Feb!
  14. Dave please continue with the MM list bringing it up to the present time then you can go onto the Q Kits, MIR Collection etc. I would also like a copy of your list but you don't answer your PM's!
  15. Yea -MIR kit, Anthony wired it for DCC for me.
  16. Great to see your progress Hunslet. GVSt is really taking shape especially with your Railcars giving it a special atmosphere of the 70's. I would love to see your progress on the AEC & BUT sets, maybe you might consider an entry in the Workshop Section?
  17. Stephen, I've just videoed my new 071's and you can see current state of the layout. The un-ballasted track will give you an idea of the new section
  18. John's not the quickest at replying to emails, I know he was away the end of Feb and contacted me in the first week of March. I'm also waiting a reply to an email and was going to get round to phoning him someday soon.
  19. Stephen I'm just starting to build a figure of 8 track and will put up some pics/video when I get to the centre of the layout.
  20. The levels are 3" apart. I copied Everard Junction's method, see If you get your levels right then it's down to how good your Loco traction is. I've pulled a rake of 10 coaches but the Loco was protesting at that. 6 or 7 coaches should be no problem if you are pulling up the Helix rather than pushing. I would not recommend a Helix for Steam Locos as a rule but I did manage a rake of 6 coaches with my UTA Jeep.
  21. Had to do it during the assembly Dave, insufficent room to do it afterwards.
  22. After checking all the points were working and a cleanup of rails it was time to reload the Storage Section. I "drove" every train from the upper section, down the helix to the Storage Section and it took me all afternoon. Starting to think I might have too much stock! [video=youtube;VST-Fj61OXU]
  23. Thanks Eamonn. I just fitted a sound chip to mine with Gerry's help.
  24. Work has continued on the Control Panel and cleaning and checking the Storage Section. As a bit of light relief I pulled out my old Lima 217 and Galway rake. Then I tested my B107 in which I had placed a Class 24 sound chip. I followed IrishTrainman who was kind enough to offer his help and advice. Sorry about the poor quality of the video, I had to use the old camera which has not the same picture quality.
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