Still working away on the Sulzer, it seems to be taking forever.
Anyway Glenderg to the rescue. He kindly sent me a “roof kit” based on the work he is doing on his own Sulzer. So it was out with the scraper blade and remover all the resin roof detail.
Not as good as his finished product but to me a big improvement on what was there before. I used the same aperture for the roof grill mounting and then noticed it was not in the centre of the roof line but will have to do. Also had to realign some of the mounting points for the gangways.
Started to look at the lights before assembling all the body parts. Unfortunately the LED’s provided are of 2 different sizes, the white are .85mm including the wires but the red LED’s are 1.8mm including the wires. May have to rethink my method of installing them or else try and source smaller red LED's.