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Everything posted by Kirley

  1. Thanks Scahalane for the video, it was not an easy way of loading cattle, some gates or more men would have made the job alot easier.
  2. Isn’t the simplest suggestion always the best one, thanks for sharing that one Anthony.
  3. Kirley

    New IÉ logo...

    I’m surprised that IE has not launched their new Logo in a blaze of publicity. What better way of confirming this change than by asking IE. After spending 10 minutes on their web site looking how or where to ask this question I fell back on the Heritage Section and emailed Gregg Ryan. Will let you know the response when I get it.
  4. Some lovely camera shots, the person who took it had an eye for detail
  5. As I had got some of Leslie’s (Provincial Wagons) Cattle Wagon Kits I had to display them in the proper surroundings. I adapted two Raito Cattle Docks to fit the space I had set aside on the layout. I modified one of the wagons so that the door could open and close to provide a more realistic scene. With that through put of livestock there is always a residue left behind and the is always someone who gets the job of shovelling s..t. It can be approached from either side with walkways to the Cattle pens. I’m not sure how protypical this scene would be in Ireland, if fact then only photograph I can recall was the one in Rails through The West where they were loading Cattle of the Platform in Ennis.
  6. It would be hard to milk those bullocks but your point about removing the plastic bases which got covered in overspray (are nearly all model cattle Friesian?) is one I will defiantly get around to.
  7. Following the development of your layout is very addictive, especially when you add in delights like the Enterprise Rake. An hint of your Freight Stock makes me wonder are you nearly getting to the stage of matching Dave’s collection only yours are not in boxes?
  8. Another good video with plenty of interest. Thanks for posting BabyGM
  9. CIE Bassett-Lowke Model Train Maunsell KI Woolwich Class 2-6-0 O Scale Starting bid £420 + £30 postage http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=261155148143&ssPageName=ADME:B:SS:GB:1123
  10. Really great pictures and what a story of a bye gone era they tell.
  11. Kevin, the developer said on the radio this morning he was going to refurbish the buildings turning them into two dwellings.
  12. Welcome to the site Krose, good to see someone from the North West onboard. If you can get a shed go for that option as you don't have roof beams to worry about but as you can see on this site there are plenty of contributors who have layouts in attcis.
  13. The Belfast Telegraph reported in August: A derelict listed railway station that is now owned by the Republic of Ireland’s ‘toxic bank’ Nama could be about to receive a lifeline. Cultra Railway Station, which is more than 100 years old, was dismissed in a condition report as being too expensive to restore — but according to Nama, one buyer is now in final negotiations to purchase and restore it as a residence. The station has fallen into disrepair and is now on sale for a fraction of its original value. It is the subject of a Facebook campaign to safeguard the building for future generations. According to Alliance councillor Larry Thompson, the building faces a bleak future if it isn’t saved soon. He has been working with Holywood Conservation Group, local residents and Alliance colleagues to save the old station. “In the last few weeks I was delighted to learn about the unconditional interest being shown by a potential purchaser who seeks to acquire and restore the building for residential use,” he said. A condition survey has been commissioned and bid for purchase made despite the building’s dilapidated state.” “After reading the condition report, which outlined the dire state of the building, I was particularly pessimistic, but news from Nama provides a glimmer of hope that the campaign to save Cultra Station House may soon be ready to depart.” Cultra Station House has a two-storey section, once used as the station master’s residence, and a main station part of one storey. It has been a private home since 1937 but was vacated in the 1970s and fell into disrepair, and became a target for vandalism and anti-social behaviour. Alliance councillor Andrew Muir said he had sought to expedite the sale through his contacts at the Dail and Nama is now reporting that a “competitive sales process is being conducted” and parties are in “further negotiations”. “I now understand that these negotiations are in a final stage and whilst I accept Nama's statement that ‘the final sale price will have to reflect independent assessment of market value’, sale possibilities seem positive,” he said. Factfile Cultra Station House was built in 1897 and is assumed to have been designed by GP Culverwell. It replaced Sir Charles Lanyon’s original design which was burnt down in a malicious fire. The replacement was built in a typical decorative red brick late Victorian style and is a listed building, partially two storey and partially single storey. The two storey portion was once living accommodation for the stationmaster and the single storey housed waiting and ticket collection areas. Reported on Radio Ulster this morning a local developer has bought the property and will turn it into 2 residential dwellings. If you ever attended the Ulster Folk and Transport Museum by rail then this is the station you would have used.
  14. The phone box could turn green and the station move south -- Dr Who only had a police box!
  15. Great videos Anthony of what’s happening on IE today. You must of had a long and cold stand to collect so much footage, thanks for sharing.
  16. Went back into YouTube and clicked the Allow Embedding, hope you can sort it out now Anthony
  17. A short video showing amongst others, A 23 in Supertrain livery running with lights.
  18. Kirley Junction – Some Trains, showing Class A No. 23, Class 111, No. 112 and Gatwick rake, UTA Jeep No. 50 and MPD UTA No. 32. http://m.youtube.com/#/watch?feature=youtu.be&v=fjbpNa5OtQ0&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DfjbpNa5OtQ0%26feature%3 Dyoutu.be
  19. It would be very hard to do that, I think Dave is the only one who could resist the temptation not to open it up for a good look.
  20. I already posted this link this morning in Irish Models section and am surprised that no one has commented on George's great work on this model
  21. Got lost in all the technical detail on how it was done but the end result is superb.
  22. The lights bring a totally different feel to the layout –well done Kevin
  23. Anthony put up pictures recently of his repaint of a J17 and I have just come across on the RM Web a make of a J15 from a TMD kit now incorporated in the SSM range. It is a brass kit and I look with envy at those who can build these kits. See it here: http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/8611-studio-scale-models-irish-j15-4mm/
  24. Georgeconna is building a SSM Bandon Tank and has been posting it on the RM Web site. See his excellent work here: http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/66331-studio-scale-models-bandon-tank-4-6-0/
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