Good luck with your aim of getting a club going. In terms of starting up, I would suggest begin with a homogeneous HO/OO layout. One that will have buildings and scenery that would be plausibly found in most of North America/UK and Ireland/Europe so people can run their own stock on. This kind of semi-blank canvas layout makes everyone feel welcome, and it can be great fun to have a theme night now and again. A large layout like this can be constructed in a short time and not cost a lot. A couple of loops of Code 100 track, few sidings and with a switchable DC/DCC control system. No one feels left out, or forced to model a prototype they are not interested in. Then, as the club becomes established, you can build that M&GW or Portumna and Macguire Bridge (joking!) specific layout. A new (all clubs in fact) club should be accessible to anyone who walks in the door. I know this as I have lived all over and joined model train clubs worldwide and a friendly smile and length of track is a beautiful thing to be offered on your first night in the door. Novice or master crafts builder.