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  1. https://www.ebay.ie/itm/356279511573?_skw=irish+railways&itmmeta=01JDFJQCW23E2WSA9AGPET3JY2&hash=item52f3e9ea15:g:KPcAAOSwDyVnPJhu&itmprp=enc%3AAQAJAAAA8HoV3kP08IDx%2BKZ9MfhVJKnhmCETdY1yS9Fcva8wYhxKNhEsCgvtytTeOAl1LoY9Bo1BiXKjVZW2cg074Pwt9fmGMd1f8eRIf5aQ1kqaTWqXfSCZiAY5HNaBMgNHo2TpK4uBGaVTlKlenNDYKtE4r0hoysW8HrFJ8PSf80LLb2pXeY%2FaeVdPpc5K1T5idYovtT0WCTRr6jY9KCQ7Hh4S3rA8L353WYtl3B4%2F5m7x%2BPaoziBPTZgDI56g1iLKNv22NZmV43mAEIs27foEEpNon0uta%2BnL4sQJ6p2pHFdSJyuhFdxH3qTm%2BdxvIbFlEt0xEQ%3D%3D|tkp%3ABk9SR5LO3fLrZA would you say this is real or fake
  2. id be tempted to put it up but who knows the trouble i could get into with RTE
  3. absolutely fantastic work. its soo good to see a group like this develop
  4. does anybody know what came about of Irish rails idea to modify the 071s/201s on hydrogen
  5. the lighting coming in the roof in the first photo of 073 is something else
  6. the ticket now has a new owner
  7. lamps like that used to be used in all sorts of carages including those for passengers. one of the RPSIs carages used that sort of lamp even in preservation https://www.steamtrainsireland.com/rpsi-collection/21/861-tri-composite-brake
  8. i am no longer around that day to do the railtour so i am giving away my 1 adult behind the loco ticket anybody interested can send me a private message. first come first served
  9. that video keeps coming up for me as well at the moment.
  10. just got word from BNM that some of the locomotives currently displayed at boora are to become part of a new display. also it seems that all track lifting has stopped. there was a crew working on it a month ago however they have stopped.
  11. what will society be in 50 years
  12. thats strange. ill look into it
  13. a few indide lads i know have sayed that the roof will be rebuilt exactly as it was before. as far as i can tell it will be done as part of this project
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