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Everything posted by gph2000

  1. I have someone looking for a Hornby Stepney model for her autistic son as a Christmas present. Timelines are tight. All assistance appreciated. Ger
  2. Anyone hear of or better still attend the Birr Model show at the end of March? The first I heard of it was a week after the event when I saw a half A4 size poster fixed to the side of an instore ATM at ankle height! Unfortunate, particularly since I only live 20 miles from the venue... Ger
  3. http://www.ebay.ie/itm/331160065441?ssPageName=STRK:MEBIDX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1431.l2649 Watching these... At this price it will soon exceed the cost of a new set from SSM! And without any of the excellent support from Des.
  4. .... A demo was presented to the MERG East Midland Area Group on 27/07/13... If I was to go for it, I think I would want to replace / recharge battery power with power from the rails. But apparently those present that day with the idea of a loco taking off over paving slabs.
  5. I came across this outfit Acc+ess courtesy of the latest Merg Journal. It uses WiFi to control your rolling stock! Control is via android phones right now with iPhone and Windows to follow, and is currently available for OO only. Ger
  6. Some years back when I used to attend the IRRS meetings, I overheard two very senior members discussing the CC1 a model of the same, and its creator, where one of them commented that this was a case of the model being older than the prototype. He claimed to have build his model "back in the day" using parts from other items in his collection that predated the CC1! Ger
  7. Just spotted this on eBay. Not sure how good it is. http://www.ebay.ie/itm/Electric-Conductive-Glue-Fix-RC-Model-Kit-Slot-Cars-Train-Track-HO-Xmods-Mini-Z-/331072206016?_trksid=m263&_trkparms=algo%3DSI%26its%3DI%26itu%3DUCI%26otn%3D12%26pmod%3D331067686818%26ps%3D63%26clkid%3D2931872796335074405
  8. http://eiretrains.com/Photo_Gallery/Railway%20Stations%20D/Dunsandle/slides/Dunsandle_20080327_014_CC_JA.html
  9. He called it steam, but it could just as easily have been a single cab diesel! Is there anything hanging around Tuam since the Westrail days?
  10. No - he was never south of the M5...
  11. Recently my brother in law spotted a preserved engine near Claregalway when headed back east. I had heard of it before but for the life of me I cant recall the details. Anyone know? Ger
  12. Try the Athearn SW1500
  13. ... Wow - I thought at first that you had photoshopped in a 12 inches to the foot model!
  14. Another member once reminded me, that if you are happy with the model that is all that really matters. The key here is to find a format that is most affordable, because it's not like steam outline RTR is spoiled for choice. Some of us are going to have to be dissappointed.
  15. At last a new delivery date!
  16. Some years back, I sat behind a pair of drivers on their way to an ILDA meeting (remember them). One of them mentioned having "eight notches on his loco"
  17. Do we know when we will see the Orange IE version in the shops?
  18. gph2000

    Track Cleaning

    May I suggest Nigel Burkin's book: Fine-Tuning-and-Maintaining-00-Gauge-Models
  19. Just spotted what appears to be a comprehensive gallery of archive http://transportsofdelight.smugmug.com/RAILWAYS/IRISH-RAILWAYS
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