Good Morning,
Sorry to butt in on my first posting but I have not found anywhere for new member introductions.
I too have been looking for any information on W&CIR locos and stock for a potential S Scale layout and this is what I have found so far - precious little!
From the National Library of Ireland:- a glimpse of W&CIR No 12 W&CIR van just behind the erstwhile WL&WR N0 34
From an unknown internet source a low res copy of a Vulcan Foundry works photo of 8 and 9
Another low res works photo, this time of No 4
From Leeds Engine Fowler 240 in original form
From Chasewater Stuff (sorry, can't find the link right now) No 11
And lastly for now, from The Engineer (sorry I didn't make a note of which issue, will get back to you with that and a link) Nos 10 and 11
The Mersyside Maritime Museum has some relevant Vulcan Foundry bits including a drawing of the inside framed tender on the Vulcan 240's No 8 & 9. I will try and dig out the details for you.
If I find anything else I will post it here.