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Everything posted by IrishTrainScenes

  1. Sunday 26/11/2023 The 1600 Connolly - Belfast & 1905 Belfast - Connolly were an Irish Rail set, unknown what DMU.
  2. Due to an earlier #TrainFault the following trains will operate as non Enterprise services this evening: 16:05 from Belfast, 16:50 from Dublin, 18:05 & 20:05 from Belfast, 20:50 from Dublin.
  3. Due to a train fault 16:05 Lanyon Place to Dublin Connolly is being delayed at Lanyon Place and is now expected to be 40 minutes late. Will be formed of 3 coaches. First class not available. Catering is not available. Another failure it seems 13:20 Ex Dublin failed in Belfast so a 3 car NIR CAF set will work the 16:05 Ex Belfast and 19:00 Ex Dublin.
  4. The following cross border train services operating today (25/11/23) will be formed of 6 carriages with no 1st class and limted catering facilities available on board. 06:50 Belfast Lanyon Place to Dublin Connolly 09:30 Dublin Connolly to Belfast Lanyon Place 12:35 Belfast Lanyon Place to Dublin Connolly 15:20 Dublin Connolly to Belfast Lanyon Place 18:05 Belfast Lanyon Place to Dublin Connolly 20:50 Dublin Connolly to Belfast Lanyon Place
  5. A CAF on the Enterprise today on the 06.50 ex Belfast and return on 09.30 ex Dublin due to a train failure.
  6. Wednesday 22/11/2023 The 1805 Belfast - Connolly & 2050 Connolly - Belfast were a 6 car NIR CAF set.
  7. ICR set 22036 on the 10:00 Connolly/Belfast Enterprise Service.
  8. Most likely ICR 36. Expect traffic after NY to be light.
  9. Most likely railcar (ICR) which is due to be on until the 26th November. Well, most likely an ICR. If there is an issue with the ICR then the DD will be called in, if that has an issue then IE will have to provide a 29000 set.
  10. Seen 227 & 9003 on the 13:20 Enterprise Ex Dublin.
  11. Unfortunately there are no photos, but I will continue to check, With regards to 22040 visiting Belfast in January 2014, here is the link to the photos: You will need to click on the photo for access.
  12. Just a bit of something interesting, In September 2012, a four car ICR ran to Antrim via Bleach Green and Antrim. Similarly, A six car ICR (22040) ran to Belfast in January 2014.
  13. Yesterday I past Moira at 08.19 & 15.25 and looked out for a train… much to my surprise I didn’t see an Enterprise.
  14. It does help. Thanks for that.
  15. According to ENT Twitter, the 1405 Ex Belfast had a fault at Lanyon Place. Unclear if the 1650 is away yet but the 1405 ex Belfast was reported as 35 mins late (most likely DD).
  16. Some Enterprise Subs 26/8/23 - IE 29000 Class DMU 29002 + 29007 on the 10:35 Enterprise Ex Belfast. 16/10/23 - NIR CAFS 3002+3005 on the 18:05 Enterprise Ex Belfast. Followed by ICR set 22036 running empty.
  17. @tonybonneyba Very good details! If you don’t mind me asking what software did you use to make these?
  18. the 19.00 from Dublin Connolly to Belfast was 20 minutes late yesterday.
  19. 3002+3005 did the 0650/0930.
  20. So 216 must have been on the 06:50 roster today.
  21. The 11:20 Enterprise from Dublin Connolly to Lanyon Place (8209/9001) crawled through Moira at 13:35 for Belfast.
  22. The 09:30 Dublin Connolly to Lanyon Place has been delayed at Portadown and is now 45 minutes late. DVT 9003 and 216 are on the 12:35 Enterprise Ex Belfast.
  23. Message last updated at 16:30 on 05/11/23: **The Belfast / Dublin rail line will reopened on Monday 6th November - Enterprise services will operate as per timetable and from usual Stations** - please see below for present disruption;
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