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Posts posted by josefstadt

  1. You have a good RTR choice from Silverfox (BR Mk1 GSV or Dutch GSV) and Irish Freight Models (Bulleid heating van) and others for kits. Personally I like the Black'n'Tan dutch GSV slightly weathered. It looks right at home with a short rake or 2 or 3 cravens. For longer rakes the BR Mk1 GSV might be more prototypical.


    The early liveried Cravens (single white stripe) are all modelled in post conversion to TL condition - i.e. without battery boxes. As such they would not have run with the 4 or 6-wheel heating vans, only with GSVs, either the Dutch Vans or the ex-BR vans. To run them with models of the earlier type vans the underframe equipment on the models would need to be changed. That having been said, they are indeed lovely models.

  2. Yes Dave, it will be possible. There is to be a connection from the line in O'Connell St to the westbound line in Middle Abbey St and also there is to be a connection from the westbound line in Lower Abbey St to the line in Marlborough St. So a tram travelling from the Green Line to the Red Cow will travel northwards across O'Connell Bridge and into O'Connell St, then take the left-hand turnout to access te Red Line and follow this to the Red Cow. In the reverse direction it is slightly more complicated - the tram will travel east along the Red Line in the normal way as far as Lower Abbey St, here it will use the crossover to get on to the westbound line, it will then reverse along the westbound line a short distance before taking the left-hand turnout into Marlbouough St. These connections will only be available for non-passenger operations.

    Luas BXD.jpg

  3. 2128 was a 60' coach, and so was shorter than the other conversions, which were 61' 6". Is there anything indicating this difference in drawings or lists?


    As indeed was 2125 [3219 (16/07/80) ← 2578 (16/02/74) ← 1622 (00/11/72) ← 2125 (1950)].

  4. Iarnrod, a bit more info on the history of the 32xx vans. The first series, 3201-12 was straight forward with the donor vehicle being as built originally - e.g. 1339 remained as built (apart from cosmetic changes) until conversion to 3201. However, the other two series, 3213-18 and 3219-24 were more complicated with the donor vehicles going through a number of changes before conversion into a 32xx type van. In the list below the the progression is from right to left. Note that the change from a 21xx Composite to a 16xx Standard did not involve structural alterations and was really just a reclassification of the first class accommodation to standard class. The dates given are probably when the work was signed off rather than the entry of the vehicle into traffic.


    Brake Standard GSV


    3201 (24/06/77) ← 1339 (1951)

    3202 (24/06/77) ← 1347 (1951)

    3203 (01/07/77) ← 1350 (1951)

    3204 (08/07/77) ← 1340 (1951)

    3205 (15/07/77) ← 1341 (1951)

    3206 (25/08/77) ← 1348 (1951)

    3207 (08/09/77) ← 1349 (1951)

    3208 (15/09/77) ← 1354 (1952)

    3209 (11/10/77) ← 1355 (1952)

    3210 (27/10/77) ← 1351 (1952)

    3211 (24/11/77) ← 1352 (1952)

    3212 (21/12/77) ← 1353 (1952)




    3213 (10/02/78) ← 2580 (07/03/74) ← 1620 (00/11/72) ← 2128 (1951)

    3214 (23/03/78) ← 2587 (21/05/74) ← 1345 (1951)

    3215 (12/05/78) ← 2588 (27/05/74) ← 1346 (1951)

    3216 (07/07/78) ← 2589 (16/08/74) ← 1342 (1951)

    3217 (25/08/78) ← 2590 (16/08/74) ← 1343 (1951)

    3218 (15/09/78) ← 2592 (16/08/74) ← 1344 (1951)


    Brake Standard GSV


    3219 (16/07/80) ← 2578 (16/02/74) ← 1622 (00/11/72) ← 2125 (1950)

    3220 (23/07/80) ← 2577 (01/02/74) ← 1614 (00/11/72) ← 2152 (1954)

    3221 (22/08/80) ← 2586 (03/05/74) ← 1625 (00/11/72) ← 2155 (1954)

    3222 (12/09/80) ← 2584 (09/05/74) ← 1615 (00/09/72) ← 2134 (1952)

    3223 (17/09/80) ← 2572 (00/12/73) ← 1611 (30/06/72) ← 2144 (1954)

    3224 (21/10/80) ← 2582 (12/04/74) ← 1623 (00/11/72) ← 2132 (1952)

  5. The source was the CIÉ Coaching stock register which I obtained a copy of from the Technical Office in Inchicore during the 1980s. The data above came from the pages detailing the 32xx vans. However, when I checked the pages showing the 13xx Standards the conversions you have, i.e. 1347 to 3202 and 1350 to 3203, are listed. So someone made a transcription error when making the notes on the original register. Unfortunately I have no way of knowing for certain which is the error, but as your info comes from a drawing it is likely that that is the correct sequence.

  6. The full list of conversions for the 32xx vans is:


    Brake Standard GSV

    3201 converted from 1339

    3202 converted from 1350

    3203 converted from 1347

    3204 converted from 1340

    3205 converted from 1341

    3206 converted from 1348

    3207 converted from 1349

    3208 converted from 1354

    3209 converted from 1355

    3210 converted from 1351

    3211 converted from 1352

    3212 converted from 1353



    3213 converted from 2580

    3214 converted from 2587

    3215 converted from 2588

    3216 converted from 2589

    3217 converted from 2590

    3218 converted from 2592


    Brake Standard GSV

    3219 converted from 2578

    3220 converted from 2577

    3221 converted from 2586

    3222 converted from 2584

    3223 converted from 2572

    3224 converted from 2582

  7. .... as this is 4006, does that mean that the Mk IV DVT needs an '8' or something put in front of it to distinguish it from the 'bus' in the photo?


    Why would it need to be distinguished from the MkIV DVT? While they are both rail-based transportation systems, the two items of rolling stock are owned by different organisations so the question of a common numbering scheme doesn't arise.

  8. The third last vehicle is a restaurant car, the second last vehicle looks like a driving brake open first (no longer used as a driving trailer) and the last vehicle is a generator brake open (though whether it is an open first or open standard class is impossible to say). The train was the 17:00 Belfast to Dublin service.

  9. Amazing stuff! Double headed NIR 111s and 201s in the first video; the transition from MkIIs to De Dietrich stock on the Enterprise along with loads of freight in the second. Many thanks to Colm O'Callaghan for taking the time to go out and record these scenes for posterity and thanks to Eiretrains for placing them on Youtube. Thanks also to 201bhoy for finding the videos and posting the link here.

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