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Posts posted by irishthump

  1. While I have you there Thumper

    I have some chips that came from locos that were chipped but the buyer wanted them DC

    How do I find out what the previous address was to reprogramme them

    I use a Power Cab Pro, it has aprogramme track.

    Well I have one, I dont use it very often



    Well you can either put them into a loco and read back the address on the programming track or you can just reset them by writing 8 to CV 8 which will set them back to default which is address 3.

  2. Irishthump of this parish might be your man, Noel

    Clever little chap for a drummer.......PIMP


    Thanks...I think!


    The trouble with this is that some manufacturers publish comprehensive lists of their version numbers and some don't. This link might help you:




    It's incomplete and some of the info may be out of date but it's a start.

  3. A new canvas!


    Consider it the conversion of the Atmospheric to the DSER via the intermediate stages!


    To be honest I was almost glad in happened. I had made a few blunders with the track plan which resulted in the layout not working well for operation. Also, with all the rubbish finally being gone from the attic I'll have a lot more room.

  4. Yikes IT sorry to hear you had to do that. :( I know what that feels like. :((


    I hope you were able to salvage much of the amazing work you had done. :trains:


    No such luck.... All I managed to save was all the peco pointwork ( I binned the Hornby ones!) and a few sections of flex track. All the ready-to-plant bits and pieces like figures, small platform details and lighting were kept and I managed to save the point motors and they're toggle switches.

    Everything else went in the bin!

  5. Well I wouldn't call this an update but anyway...


    The layout is history! My attic had to be cleared in a hurry for insulation to be installed, so everything had to go. To be honest, I was thinking about making some major changes

    so this really forced my hand...








    Anyway I'm looking forward to getting started on the new layout, hopefully it won't be too long!

  6. Views on the merits of the Silverfox Metro Vicks are currently spread across a number of threads, so there's no need to start on about it here, too, especially when nothing new is being brought to the discussion. If you have an issue with this, feel free to take it up via PM with the mod team.


    Not trying to start anything here but in fairness, Garfield, the threads you mention are being hijacked by the same individuals. Expressing any kind of satisfaction with a Silverfox product is like a red rag to a bull with these people.

  7. Filmed under fluorescent lights along with compression, hardly judgeable. Also the loco is the one in repainted CIE orange rather than original. Decide when the models are infront of your own eyes....


    Actually, they were filmed under regular, incandescent bulbs....


    But anyway here's some more pics of them from my workbench thread http://irishrailwaymodeller.com/showthread.php/77-Graham-s-Workbench/page4 These were taken in more natural light.

  8. Hi Alan, Paul

    Sure I will let you know as soon as the 8 pin Lenz is installed. Will try and video the loco at various transition speeds over insulfrog point work which is the real test. Crawling on straight track tells you nothing, crawling over insulfrog points tells you a lot about the chassis (and decoder). I tried adjusting CVs but the basic Hornby decoder doesn't support most of the usual CVs so it was a rather fruitless exercise. It doesn't even support CV5!!!



    PS: Paul, what livery did you go for? and if you get a chance to post a pic that would be great.


    I would highly recommend the Lenz decoders myself. I use Lenz standards when hardwiring old Athearn Blue Box locos and the slow running is absolutely perfect, even with the crappy old open-frame motors.

  9. Burn, the one I got came DCC ready, to fit the decoder you have to lift the body off by cutting the glue line between the body and the chassis. I tried a bachmann 4 pin decoder and it jumped around the track. I then tried a standard hornby decoder, it was ok but not good at slow running. I then tried a hornby sapphire decoder, there was an improvement, and i'm sure if a mess with the CV's I could get it better. I hope this is a prompt for Noel to row in :D.


    P.S. mine has rubber tractions tyres, and as its not all wheel pick it can stall over X crossings. I'm reluctant to take them off, anybody any thoughts on this?


    Depending on the chassis you could probably replace the wheels that have traction tyres to ones without them. I recently did this with a Hornby deltic chassis. It's an improvement but you have to add a lot of weight to get any traction.

  10. Hi Alan. Yes it is an SF purchased direct as an RTR. Delivery was about 8 weeks as promised. The gentle weathering was included for the list price, and the Hornby decoder was fitted for an extra £20 to the Hornby chassis during build by John in SF. I haven't had time to play around with CVs yet as it's just out of the box, so only changed its address to 20 for a quick test run, but I expect to reduce CV5 to reduce the top speed, and also give a little more inertia using CV3 & CV4 so make it less responsive to throttle changes. Initial test run last night was it ran well on the Hornby class 55 chassis running slowly over Peco code 100 insulfrog points without any stalling. Over all I am pleased with the model which is a vast improvement on my Lima 'A class' locos which were repainted BR class 33s. Its not up to MM standards of detail, but for a resin body it ticks all my boxes for now and looks well with my CIE coaching stock. All the best. Noel.


    PS: I also ordered a weathered Dutch GSV in Black and Tan livery which looks great with Cravens or Park Royals.


    Bear in mind that if it has the standard Hornby decoder you won't be able to adjust CV5. Basic Hornby decoders offer very little adjustment, CV's 2, 5 or 6 can't be changed.

  11. Had soldering irons and cutting disks a few weeks back..


    Yes but in fairness the soldering irons are muck. They have a really low quality bit that lasts a about a day!

  12. Just measured the length of the track (3300mm) and it drops (30mm). Hope this makes sense.


    Well that's barely a 1% grade which should'nt cause too many problems. Like you said it's probably all the weight, also if the converted Hornby flats still have the plastic wheels they can cause an awful lot of drag, especially on a curve.

  13. Ah that's sad....


    I must have watched his Model World video on Youtube a hundred times! A pleasant chap with a genuine love and enthusiasm for model trains of all shaoes, sizes and gauges!

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