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Posts posted by irishthump

  1. Lads,


    I bought a secondhand 141 from Ebay a while back which has been suffering from the intermittent running. The wheels seem to need cleaning very often and I compared the wheels to those on my other 141s and they seem to be brass rather than nickel steel. Maybe the previous owner switched them?


    Anyway, where would I get spare wheelsets? Are they standard sized Bachmann wheels? Should I contact Bachmann's spares dept?

  2. Lovely project David, the scenic work is particularly fine.


    I'm partial to American HO myself, although I'm not a steam afficianado! Could you give some details on how you tweaked the decoder in the Shay? I have a couple of Bachmann locos with factory fitted sound which needed a bit of playing around with to get good slow running.

  3. Here's the schedule for the IWT liners taken from one of the IRRS journals. From what I have seen from videos on Youtube the IWT liners don't head straight down Alexandra Road on arrival at North Wall. A lot of the time the loco seems to be taken off the liner and used to shunt in the yard before bringing the train into the port. I don't know the Tara mines trains timetable but I will see if can I get it for you.

    8:15 Ballina-North Wall IWT Mon-Fri

    09:35 North Wall-Ballina IWT Mon-Fri

    11:05 Ballina-North Wall IWT Wed

    14:00 North Wall-Ballina IWT Thur


    Many thanks GM! The times listed for the Ballina-North Wall trains; are these the times for their departure from Ballina or arrival at North Wall?

  4. Can a mod sticky the above post. I think he's Tim Shackleton - (same enamel colours etc.) Great tips.


    Whoops! Better come clean before a plagiarism suit gets filed against me!;)


    Yes, most of the techniques are from Tim Shackelton's book "Weathering Locomotives" which I would recommend to anyone. Also, credit to Georgeconna for his "wash on, wash off" technique for the loco's sides!

  5. Lovely work Thump. Care to share the technique? Acrylic/enamel? really tidy , top of the range.


    Very simple techniques really....


    The only paints I used for weathering are Humbrol Enamels. The various shades are all a mixture of just two colours, Matt Black 33 and Matt leather 62.

    First I airbrush a layer of 50:50 black and leather over the whole loco, I let this dry a little then take most of it off again with cotton buds soaked in thinners (I use white spirit) working in downward strokes to mimic streaking on the loco sides and making sure to leave paint in the recesses.

    The roof gets a coat of the same mix, as well as the bogies. Neat black is used for exhaust stains as well as around the fuel tank and wheel bearings. Light patches of neat matt leather are airbrushed onto parts of the bogies to mimic brake dust and I also dust a very light coat over the whole loco which helps tie all the colours together.


    I find very light application of paint at high pressure gives a lovely, dusty finish.


    The exhaust on 210 was done with Humbrol matt rust 113, silver 11 and matt black 33 and touched up with some rust coloured weathering powders.


    Lastly the buffers faces are touched with some Metalcote Gunmetal. I use a an old tin that has almost dried out, it gives a great representation of the thick grease used on the buffers!

  6. Nice work I particulary like the photo of 086SA dates the loco to the 80s Is the leading coach a standard MK1 or have you modified it to a van?


    No it's just a standard MK1, but I do have a MK1 brake converted to a steam genny van, I'll take a pic of it when I get the chance.

  7. An Xmas present of some vouchers for Mark's Models resulted in me picking up 080 a couple of months ago and I finally got around to weathering her over the last few days. Have a look and see what you guys think....









  8. Some good tips there David!


    In regards to the issue of pastels and weathering powders darkening when sealed; I had the same problem not matter how fine a spray of varnish was used. (I switched from aerosol to airbrush but to no avail!) I found a good technique was to give the model a coat of matt varnish BEFORE apply the powders. This gives a much betters key for the powders to adhere to.


    Sean, have a look at this thread: http://www.irishrailwaymodelling.net/showthread.php/1667-Weathering-Tips


    It's a link to a PDF on weathering. It's mainly for US freight stock but the techniques are still worth trying.

  9. I'd also spray the area white and then mask off the line and go orange over it. Always go from light to dark colours...


    As Warbonnet says spray the white first but after you've masked off the line spray ANOTHER layer of white over the masking. This will seal the edges and stop the paint from bleeding underneath the tape.

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