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Patrick Davey

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Everything posted by Patrick Davey

  1. Lovely pics - thanks for sharing!
  2. Found this: http://www.buildingsofireland.ie/niah/search.jsp?type=images&county=LH&regno=13900712
  3. Hi all, am needing to view colour photos of the buildings of the GNR works at Dundalk, would anyone know of an online gallery? Am not finding anything substantial so far. Thanks in advance.
  4. Just watched episode 3, must say it's holding my attention - well-put together TV with those addictive personal experiences that you can't help but warm to, like the chap whose two kids came up to visit him on his birthday and also got to drive the train, or the girl who got emotional when she saw the place where her grandfather trained as a WWII commando......and the USA-style trestle bridge across the 'canyon' was impressive, along with the bridge across the canal lock....yip am enjoying it!
  5. Awesome stuff - sad too
  6. It was a bit bizarre but interesting! The 'Silver Lady' loco is actually green, but ah well. Yip next week does look like a comedy of errors but I guess that makes good TV! Will probably follow until the end of the series. Hardly a model railway though, stretching the term a bit....71 miles of a stretch!
  7. Wonder will Hornby ever take the plunge into Irish RTR?
  8. Drool. Love your memories there too JB - brought me back to a steam-era box!
  9. Do you have a link for this one Andy? Thanks for the info!
  10. Love the scenario JB and who better to ensure rolling stock authenticity! Definitely one to watch so lots of luck with the progress. Dave’s baseboards are top drawer.
  11. Cheers guys! I don’t want to hijack Paul’s thread so hopefully more pics in a separate thread once I get going again.
  12. Hi Paul, Yes I've been photographing each stage but am on a break at the moment for various reasons. Most recent ones attached. Hoping for more progress this month. Your most recent signal box photos have taken my breath away!! Happy New Year to you and to all members. Best wishes, Patrick
  13. Just catching up on the signal cabin Paul, jaw dropping!!! The windows just set it off perfectly, very BNCR/NCC! The whole thing is superb, well done sir. I have a smaller, GNRI, cabin on the workbench at the moment, have some work-related stuff to sort first then I'll hopefully be back to that. Looking forward to more pics from you!
  14. Looking forward to watching the progress on this, best of luck!
  15. Yes indeed Paul, I shall share a few pics once it looks vaguely recognisable!!
  16. Love the cabin - currently building a GNR one myself, this is giving me great inspiration! Well done Paul.
  17. No need to apologise Nelson! Looking forward to further updates when you get back to it - like all your projects it promises to be a cracker!! Good luck
  18. Hi Nelson, just wondering how your BCDR brake van is coming along? Was looking exceptional in your last photo above!
  19. "Overlooking it all is the signal cabin, the last one standing belonging to the old railway line...." Nope - Ballynoe (just about), Killough and Tullymurry BCDR cabins still remain. The signal on the platform is an ex-NCC somersault, brought to the station by the long-time owner Mr. James Black who was an NCC employee, originally from Castledawson I think. I visited him and and his wife at Saintfield on many occasions.
  20. Hi Thomas, welcome to the group and well done on choosing such an interesting prototype - I'll be looking forward to watching your progress. Best of luck!
  21. As promised! I think she looks superb! Fantastic job by Colm Flanagan.
  22. Thanks everyone, yip, top job by Colm - am collecting the loco tomorrow so will post more pics.
  23. Thanks Tony! She could make a visit to Omagh North in the future! I drove through Omagh this evening and was thinking about your layout project - am watching it with interest!
  24. Absolutely delighted to receive a selection of photos from master model maker Colm Flanagan, showing the amazing restoration work he has done on an old Studio Scale Models brass kit of a GNR T2 loco. Here are 'before' and 'after' views - can't wait to give this girl a layout to work on, in the company of her OO Works colleagues! Many thanks to Colm for the great job!
  25. Very nice Tony - watching this one with great interest!
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