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Everything posted by David

  1. Sent you an email. Did you get it?
  2. Sent you a text Graham
  3. Yes Nelson, the UK is currently an EASA member so I assume it should apply in the UK. A lot of that already applies to RC aircraft. I think they need to make a distinction between RC aircraft(drones) fitted with camera feed and those without. This is a crucial difference due to the likelihood of them being flown irresponsibly beyond line of sight. I also think that big signs similar to those on cigarettes should be applied to the packaging of drones to indicate that flying beyond line of sight is illegal and may lead to imprisonment. I occasionally fly a Cessna and if I ever have a close encounter with a drone I shall be circling it and directing police to it's operator if possible. It's only a matter of time until drone collision causes death.
  4. All now sold
  5. Price drop to 60 euro
  6. Hi Guys Bachmann Crab 2-6-0 Loco LMS livery for sale. Mint condition. Kept boxed and never run. Price is 90 euro. Feel free to make offers! Free delivery in Dublin or post worldwide at cost. Please email dmmodelmakers@gmail.com if interested.
  7. Hi Guys Bachmann Fairburn 2-6-4 Tank Loco LMS livery for sale. Suitable as a possible conversion to RPSI Number 4? Mint condition. Kept boxed and never run. Price is 90 euro. Feel free to make offers! Free delivery in Dublin or post worldwide at cost. Please email dmmodelmakers@gmail.com if interested.
  8. Hi Guys Lima mk3s IE Executive livery for sale. Mint condition. Kept boxed and never run. Price is 80 euro. Feel free to make offers! Free delivery in Dublin or post worldwide at cost. Please email dmmodelmakers@gmail.com if interested.
  9. Repainted mk1s(top ones) still available.
  10. CIE sold BR sold pending payment
  11. Hi Nelson, 63GBP plus 10GBP post. Cheers.
  12. Amazed these locos have sold yet! Price drop to 70 euro each
  13. Still available. Price drop to 120 euro.
  14. Hi Guys Murphy Models 071 class 086 CIE livery for sale. Loco is mint Price is 130 euro. Offers accepted Free delivery in Dublin or post at cost worldwide. Please email dmmodelmakers@gmail.com if interested.
  15. Hi Guys 2x Bachmann Woolwich Moguls for sale. CIE and BR weathered. CIE loco is unboxed. BR loco is boxed and DCC fitted. I'm looking for 80 euro each or possibly a swap of one of them for a CIE black(preferably the cherry black) version. Offers accepted Free delivery in Dublin or post at cost worldwide. Please email dmmodelmakers@gmail.com if interested.
  16. All sold
  17. Hi Guys Bachmann Woolwich Mogul CIE livery for sale. Loco is mint, box slightly worn. Price is 130 euro. Free delivery in Dublin or post at cost. Please email dmmodelmakers@gmail.com if interested.
  18. Hi Guys Lima Mk1s in CIE livery for sale. All are unboxed 3 of the are original Lima CIE livery and 3 are repaints done a very long time ago and not by me. Price is 15 euro per coach for the repaints and 20 euro per coach for the originals. Free delivery in Dublin or post at cost. Please email dmmodelmakers@gmail.com if interested.
  19. Lovely respray Tony. What track is that?
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