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Everything posted by David

  1. David

    Future projects

    We have in fact recently looked at doing an A class model. There's no timeline on it yet but it is being seriously considered. There would be both kit and RTR options.
  2. David

    Future projects

    Cheers Fran. Just to clarify, it will be quite a while.
  3. David

    Future projects

    Kirley, the project was in fact announced in 2013. It's on hold at the moment while I focus on completing the backlog of orders for existing projects. I'll update as soon as I can. I'd love to get it finished but I must complete each commitment in turn and it's taking a lot longer than I anticipated. I'm sorry to keep everyone waiting but we're getting there! Thanks for your patience guys.
  4. Have a look at the photos in this link. It gives an idea of that a difference the painting makes. And it doesn't take long either! http://irishrailwaymodeller.com/showthread.php/397-Carriage-Train-lighting-fitted
  5. Sand the brass with fairly course sandpaper using circular motions until the entire surface appears heavily scratched when angled into the light. Prior to painting clean brass with washing up liquid and hot water. Make sure it has been fully rinsed. Spray model with halfords grey primer. All this must be done in a warm dry environment. If you follow these steps you should have zero issue with paint being removed by tamiya tape. I notice in the photo with the primer on it there are several patches of shiny brass showing through. The surface must be completely coated in primer. Otherwise the top cote will definitely come away.
  6. Thanks! Looks great!
  7. Lovely looking track work. Which ballast are you using? It looks very well.
  8. Thanks 33! Appreciate that.
  9. Lovely work. Where did you get the vacform windows? Are the available to buy?
  10. I assume the valve gear driveshaft is static? It doesn't rotate does it?
  11. Always thought sprung buffers were totally unnecessary anyway. I'd imagine the percentage of models produced that actually put their sprung buffers to use would be under 1%! Beautiful model. Very nice price!
  12. Is that a Railroad model?
  13. Very nice plan. What software did you use for the track plan?
  14. Hi Noel, Could you email your query to our email address below and I will respond to it there. Regarding the decoder question, the lights are always on but this is not apparent during daylight running if you set a realistic brightness. The system does have an adjustable brightness on each coach. If required, the brightness can be turned all the way down to off.
  15. Interesting idea in brushing it on. I never thought of that. Thanks Colin!
  16. Interesting idea in brushing it on. I never thought of that. Thanks Colin!
  17. Thanks for the advice Colin. Do you apply it with an airbrush and what do you thin it with?
  18. Beautiful model. Nicely done. Are the boiler and banding the original printed finish? It looks quite smooth. Also, where can your 3d print be purchased from? Thanks
  19. Lovely model Kieran. Are the windows on that set the same Glenderg ones?
  20. Xmas 2015 is only a couple of weeks before the beginning of 2016 so the two indications are not a millions miles apart. I'll be here when it's here I suppose but it seems safe to say that we wont see it until the 201s and mk2s are all made.
  21. That's looking fantastic. Definitely a project I'd like to try myself sometime. Thanks for the detailed tutorial
  22. Thanks Nelson. What kind of problems do you have with the acrylic one?
  23. Hi Guys, I'd be interested to hear what kind of varnish you guys use for sealing your models? I've been using and aerosol from the Games Workshop for years but it occasionally causes fogging or cloudiness on the model. I'm pretty sure this is due to moisture condensing in the spray so I heat both the model and the car before and during use but it sometimes still fogs up. What kind of varnishes do you guys use and would you recommend applying with and aerosol or airbrush? Cheers in advance!
  24. D&M Models do a complete kit that includes the prestwin for 30 euro or you can buy just the bubble tank casting for 10 euro.
  25. Very very nice Patrick. I especially like the shot under the bridge
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