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Everything posted by David

  1. Cheers lads. Should have the first 2 sets finished in the coming days so I'll get more photos up then.
  2. A couple of teaser shots for you. Please excuse the photo quality. As you can see she still has to get the yellow line, decals and glazing.
  3. That site looks like a scam.
  4. BS models?
  5. Good tip Anto. Silver works well too. When we used to make building models entirely out of perspex a single coat of silver stopped all light coming through when the model was painted.
  6. @enterprise207, You can still order one. Please send either myself of killucan2(Mark) a PM for ordering details.
  7. You can get perspex down to 0.5mm or maybe less. A lot of architectural models are made from this.
  8. Looking good Stephen. Which ballast did you use for that section?
  9. What about if there was a kit designed to fit a RTR loco like a 4F or similar? A new brass cab, pony truck, spashers etc. Would there be interest in that?
  10. Also the fact that it is active today in preservation. As far as I can see the majority of Irish modellers model diesel era and an RPSI special is the perfect excuse to take out the kettle for a spin!
  11. I've seen it do that with my own eyes passing at speed through Castleknock station years ago.
  12. David

    SSM Sulzer 101

    Please see above chaps No need to get on to shawplan. It's going to be included in the kit.
  13. David

    SSM Sulzer 101

    I think Weshty mentioned in an earlier post that the glazing would be a fitted flush glaze for the windscreens and printed acetate or similar for the side windows.
  14. Cheers Des! Glad you liked it
  15. Some had the doors the same orange as the body and some had day-glow orange. I got a spray can of day-glow orange from halfords and it did the job.
  16. As far as I know you can cover a model railway on your contents cover but it would have to be specified on the the policy(you would have to tell the insurer about it and its value, it would not automatically be covered).
  17. Genius idea! What sort of ballast did you use for the sidings?
  18. @waffles I've sent you a PM re the 2600
  19. I sent you a PM Leslie. David
  20. RAL2011 is the colour. Some automotive paint suppliers will mix it for you in an aerosol. I use cellulose through a spray gun.
  21. David

    DART Model

    I wish I could oblige! Nothing to see at the moment apart from some boring grey CAD construction lines! It's on the long finger until I can iron out some of the problems with the DD models(nearly sorted). The good news is that the DD project acted as a proving ground for a new construction technique that I plan to use for the 8100 so I expect development and production to be a good bit faster.
  22. David

    DART Model

    Cheers MetVic! Should be available to order around the end of the year!
  23. Myself and Mark(killucan2) are in the process of designing an 8100 DART having been requested to do so by a number of people. The only thing to see at this stage is CAD work but we wont be releasing any more info until we have a prototype constructed. That'll be this year hopefully.
  24. Sent you a PM
  25. Hi Liam, I originally had it at €160. How about €100? It is literally brand new having never been run or removed from the box. Cheers David
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