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Everything posted by David

  1. That's pretty decent performance alright! Could adhesion be increased by making the railhead rough on the helix? Like rubbing it with coarse sandpaper or a file?
  2. Looks good. What sort of loads can go up the helix? Could the 201 pull a full rake of mk3s up it?
  3. Looking good. Totally off topic but what track is used in that scene and what fishplates?
  4. Anthony is suggesting that you power the point motor from a power supply such as a laptop charger and not from the bus wires at all. Powering them from the bus wire may cause undesirable effects to your train running and will use current that you locos may need. It may not work at all because the bus wires are actually AC power oppositely phased and not positive and negative as the point motor requires. Edit: Oops! Boskonay beat me to it, and in an easier to understand way too!
  5. @ Sulzer201 and 071, Sent you both a PM re above.
  6. Don't give up! Dying to see it.
  7. Can you do the 66 in the orange? Might be a nice respray as a fictitious Irish freight loco!
  8. Sent you a PM!
  9. Looks a hell of a lot better if you ask me! Nice job Richie!
  10. That compressor comes with a regulator fitted. I have an almost identical one and have used both airbrushes and spray guns and it works well.
  11. Looks decent enough. No harm in having a large compressor for air brushing. You can pressurise it once and there should be enough pressure to keep airbrushing for a good while with it powered off. They have a pressure regulator to reduce the pressure for the airbrush.
  12. Think he means the IE logo, not the IR one. The red on the buffer beam is a little on the high side alright. I wouldn't be all that bothered about the red and the logo but the white under the headlight is very noticable. And you can't just paint it black because the white lines coming to it are too low and would lead to nowhere. Hope they sort it...
  13. I clearly meant the same Bachmann that made the 141.
  14. No worries. The complications of OEMs has everybody worked up!
  15. That's a bit harsh! I just suggested why bachmann would say that. Maybe not a fob off but more a re-direction of enquiries. And the people contacting bachmann are not potential buyers of the product from bachmann they are potential buyers of the product from murphy models. Murphy models is bachmann's customer for all of the models produced. It doesn't make any difference to me. I only made the point that it's stated on the MM site.
  16. Could be. Either way the whole debate over who makes it relates to the quality of the model(loco, not box). Made in bachmann factory by bachmann people=bachmann quality. Other than the quality of the model it makes no difference where it's made.
  17. This was posted in the last couple of days. Clearly Bachmann said that as a fob off to get people to annoy MM instead of them. Paddy Murphy is not making these is his shed out the back.
  18. Did you look at the link before posting? Murphy Models' own website credits bachmann with building the loco.
  19. Bachmann will print purple spots on the box if Paddy Murphy asked them to. If Bachmann have played no part in the production of these models then why is bachmann credited on murphy models website? BTW, as far as I'm aware, murphy models does not have either a factory or manufacturing staff. The debate on the manufacturer relates to the build quality of the locomotive model itself and since it is made by the people who make bachmann models and made in the factory that bachmann models are made in then it is indeed a bachmann loco(I'm not arguing with you over who makes the box!) Can you show us the box? http://www.murphymodels.com/Models.html
  20. By the sounds of things Bachmann is the OEM(original equipment manufacturer). A bit like the way the opel vivaro van is really a renault. So, from the point of view of quality and design it might as well be bachmann. I don't think it would say bachmann on the website if the bachmann company was not involved.
  21. Didn't someone on here say that they were talking to Paddy and the 121 was postponed indefinitely?
  22. Oops! I meant 'remember me'.
  23. Oops! Forgot the freight livery wasn't there!
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