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Everything posted by David

  1. Thanks very much to those who have already expressed serious interest.
  2. Most likely we will design the kit to run on an existing RTR chassis but we may also do an etched chassis. If a RTR chassis is used there will be no compromises in dimensions or detail. If we cannot find a chassis with correct axle spacing and wheel size I will be going down the etched road. There'll be plenty of time to discuss the design of the kit before we start but at this stage we just need to establish if there is enough serious interest in the model.
  3. Hi guys, D&M Models are seriously considering producing a kit and RTR model of RPSI loco 461. The model would be all of etched brass and most likely designed to utilise a high quality RTR chassis. We're also considering an assembled kit option so that those without brass experience would only really have to paint the model and fit it to a chassis. In order for the project to go ahead there would have to be sufficient interest. What we are looking for is small deposits of just 25 euro for 25 models. If this requirement can be satisfied then there will be a model of 461 available this year. Exact prices are TBA but should be about 130 euro for kit, 290 euro for the assembled kit and 620 euro for the RTR model.
  4. I'd strongly consider using an RTR chassis. It would certainly reduce the building required.
  5. Approx 130 euro excl. wheels and motor.
  6. I'd consider doing a brass kit version. Would there be interest in that? I'd be willing to do it if there were orders for a first batch of about 20-30 kits. RTR version would be available too.
  7. You may even get enough extra traction by just applying it to one wheel! Let us know how it goes. I may have to start supplying a bottle of it with each DD rake
  8. You could put Bullfrog snot on just one of the driving axles. http://www.bullfrogsnot.com/
  9. Ours are actually y23. As far as i know they are identical to to y25 apart from the gauge.
  10. Hi there! We do a lighting system that includes a flicker-free device and adjustable brightness. Available either as a kit of parts or fitted for you. Please pm me for details.
  11. There's no exact cutoff planned at this time.
  12. You asked the same question on the D&M section which i answered and it's also posted in the de dietrich thread in the news section on page 1.
  13. It's a purpose designed draw bar system. It is fitted to allow the set to be reliably pushed at speed without de-railing. The set is then coupled to the loco with a kadee coupler.
  14. How long do you have to complete the job before the glue gets too dry?
  15. David

    Family bereavement .

    Sorry to hear about your loss Anthony.
  16. Thank you very much for your comments. It's great to finally have the project up and running.
  17. Thanks for the comments. The photos where kindly done for me by my sister and I'm delighted with the result.
  18. De Dietrich Coach sets
  19. i've used dettol mixed 50/50 with water. It worked well and i left a model in it for a few days and it was fine.
  20. I expect to have photos of the production standard models in the next few days.
  21. Unfortunately due to surprisingly low orders of the kit I have decided not to do a kit version. There was one or two orders and these will be delivered but no further kit orders will be taken.
  22. Get well soon Anto
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