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Richard EH

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Everything posted by Richard EH

  1. A quick update on progress since my first update. I’ve fitted the piping into the new whitemetal top feed which I think looks the part.I’ve also now added the 3rd printed window frames on one side. I’ve used both on one side as they were a bit thin – I’ll need another pair for the other side – but it will allow me to fix some glazing for the cab side window and then a little bit of glue to stick the remaining fame over the top which should make a nice clean job of this part of the cab. Also now added are plasticard overlays to the tank and bunker sides. This has allowed a clear view of how it looks without being distracted by the BR lining, number and crest. What seems clear is that the rear section of the cab is too long and it needs to be shorter. I need to use caution here clearly as the cab roof is a clearly visible part so it’ll be some careful work with the razor saw, I’m not too concerned with the loss of the rivet detail(see below), but it will need to be a precise job. The additional benefit is that it will allow me to get the rear cab windows the right shape so I’m on the lookout for some suitable etches for these and the protective bars over the windows. I’ve also now received the sample pack of archer rivets – picture attached. These look like they’ll be great and I’ll be able to carefully mark up the lines for the rivets on the white plasticard sides and then cut out an appropriate length. The tricky bit is likely to be the curved sections on the base of the tanks – but I think tha just needs a bit of care. Also now received are the set of numberplates from guilplates, and very nice they look too! Just need to order a set of window frames and I’ll have all the parts I need to complete. Not as quick a job as I was expecting but coming together well. Cheers for now. Richard.
  2. The JT is one of mine, and it does indeed use a lot of plasticard to get a smooth surface on the side tanks - one of the reasons for this is that I tend to use the Shapeways WSF material for cost reasons.... Kind Regards Richard.
  3. Hi guys, Many thanks for the words of encouragement. I should say the 3d windows are 3d window frames, all window glazing on the side windows will be conventional clear plasticard if required! The drawing is the one on the forums resources, however, as I'm working from the hornby fowler tank anyway - it's following the principle of if it looks right, it is right.....! I've now received the archer transfer pack, and they look rather nice. The guilplates numberplates have also now arrived and look good too, so once the window, frames, arrive, I'll have all I need to proceed - I'll be sure to post some updates as it develops!
  4. Hi all, First post in a while, but that doesn’t mean that I’ve not been building, just that I’ve not had time to write some stuff up! So a long time loco on my wish list is a WT 2-6-4 tank. I’ve read a lot of the good work others have done on this forum, and in New Irish Lines over the years, and decided that I’d give it a go as a quick conversion (Why does that always turn out not to be the case!). Managed to pick up a nearly new Hornby Fowler tank - the new version with finer valve gear and detailing to use as a basis for about £50. S and J models in Northwich was the source for this, and started mulling over the plan to get it as good as I can, and to use as much of the good detail work that this model possesses. First action was to print off the drawing in the resources section of this website, which correctly has the double drop on the side tanks – I’ve seen another drawing which doesn’t have this, and to work out what to remove, and what to keep. So, to remove, I decided on the following: • Bottom section of the tanks • The radius on the running plate above the cylinders • Cab side sheet(to insert the side windows) • Smokebox clips • Rear bunker behind the cab(retaining the middle of the moulded coal to retain the fixing screw • Rear bunker detail • Cab steps All of this was done with careful work with a razor saw for the bunker and side tanks, scalpel for the minor detail and drill/scalpel to remove material from round the cab side sheet. The plastic this model is made from cuts and glues very well – it’s a dream to work with. To add: • New section of the side tanks from plasticard • Top feed on the boiler (from spares box) and pipework form brass wire • Smokebox wheel (made from a 16ba bolt, brass wire and a washer soldered up and filed down) • New bunker (from plasticard • New cab windows (3d printed – on order) • Numberplates (on order from Guilplates, decided to go for No.4 so I’ve plenty of time periods to run it from the 40’s to present day • Rivets on the side tanks (I’ve a set of the resin rivet sheets on order from Archer in the USA which should do very nicely. • Various handrails/steps/lamp brackets etc( to add from brass wire, etc) Please find below a few photos illustrating where it’s currently up to. It’s quite a straightforward conversion really – the only bit that really isn’t quite right is the rear section of the cab which is a few millimetres too deep but seeing as it’s the wrong gauge anyway, I’m not too worried…. I’ll add some photos as this develops, but it may be a while before I do!
  5. I've just received one of these GNRi Gardner buses and I have to say, to my mind - it's a lovely resin kit! Well recommended if you're thinking of taking the plunge and ordering one! Very nice set of transfers included as well. Regards Richard.
  6. Thanks for the kind comments guys! I'll post up some photos of 93 in the next week or so. Regards Richard.
  7. ]Hi David, Thanks for that! No, the boiler is a plasticard overlay, and the bands are plastic strip overlaid on top. My website has further details :http://www.glr3dmodeldesign.co.uk Attached are a couple more photos taken at the weekend, wonderful light on sunday, always nice to get in the garden and get some nice natural light photos! Regards Richard. [ATTACH=CONFIG]13818[/ATTACH
  8. Given the interest on another thread in my 3d printed JT tank, I thought I’d start a specific thread detailing the approach to creating this model. I should say at the outset that it is available to buy, if you’re interested – however, I know there are diverging views on the suitability of 3d printing, currently, for modelling. I think I’ve found a way here which makes the best of the technology, and mitigates some of the problems – surface texture being the key one. I have to say there doesn’t seem to be much demand for it, however I could do with a couple at least for my own layout – I plan to model Ballyhaise at some point…. So clearly it’ll be a great loco for me to model. This project was actually started around 3 years ago. I wanted a JT tank, and having the opportunity of some time whilst ‘between jobs’ I taught myself how to use google sketchup. At the time, I couldn’t find a proper set of drawings for the JT, only outline side elevations in a couple of books – plenty of pictures though of them in their final years on the Belturbet branch. Clearly, there’s a preserved one, and Mark Kennedy kindly took a tape measure to it, to provide an overall width – most helpful! Supplied with that information was enough to draw it up. <Photo>. Given that it is quite a simple 2-4-2 tank, I split the frames so that the driving wheels are supported on quite a thick short chassis for strength which is printed in White Detail which is very rigid and works well so long as it’s thick enough – it can be a bit brittle so thickness here is essential. I designed in some holes for supporting the brake gear, and a between wheel bracket to support the pick ups <Photo>. The front and rear fames, both bogies and chassis are printed in white strong and flexible, which gives reasonable support, wall thickness and is relatively cheap. I designed the body to omit the smokebox, chimney, dome, whistle etc – these are all best done, certainly in my view, by using existing brass or whitemetal castings. To get around the texture issue, which I don’t find a huge problem (it’s all in the finishing – see below), I clad the running plate, bunker sides, boiler and smokebox in 10 thou plasticard embossed with rivet detail. It’s not easy or really possible to do the curve of the cab roof so I’ve lived with that. The final piece of 3d printed detail is the most interesting one – these are the 3d printed brass connecting rods. Given that it’s my own chassis and wheelbase that I was using, I drew up the two rods, joined them with a sprue and printed them via imaterialise in brass. I’ve bushed them, and they’re fitted onto standard Romford wheels and crankpins. So far, they’ve proved robust. The build was quite straightforward really, detail the body with the plasticard, add the chimney etc. For the chassis, I used a mashima motor and a branchlines 40:1 gearbox. Romford wheels and crankpins. The brakes are alan Gibson plastic parts with wire for the brake rigging. The finishing was interesting, a blast of Halfords car primer, and the secret with the WSF is to give it a good scrub with a toothbrush and water to remove any loose bits and get it as smooth as possible before the final coats are applied. I managed to source some transfers from <<>>> but then when I applied the varnish, found that it had got cold and when sprayed on resulted in a snow like appearance. Luckily a wash and partial repaint meant it was rescued, so 91 is now ready for service. 93 isn’t far behind now! Anyhow, I hope that is of interest, and gives some background to the build process. I can post more on the 3d printed GNRi passenger brake vans if there is interest. Regards Richard.
  9. Hi all, Glad the JT seems to have been well received via the thread on RMWEB. It's my design on shapeways, and my build on RMWEB. The loco has plasticard overlays on the tanks with all of the rivet detail. The WSF material finish actually helps with this, as it gives something for the superglue to key into. It actually has a 3d printed chassis, as well as 3d printed - brass - connecting rods. Runs very nicely. I've another under construction at present, No.93, however it's on a bit of a back burner at present due to other projects. I decided not to print the chimney, dome, smokebox etc, as there are better brass castings available elsewhere to complete. I can list these if anyone is particularly interesting. I think the L & Y tank may not work well as a surrogate JT. The JT is actually quite a short loco, whilst the L& Y one seems quite a bit longer. Regards Richard.
  10. I've been working with 3d printed stuff for a while, some irish bits can be seen on my website, and are available via clicking through the Shapeways site: http://www.glr3dmodeldesign.co.uk Mostly stuff to support my GNRi interests - so the various full brakes and JT tank are available at present, K15/F16/K1/K3 in the works. As well as a bit of LBER narrow gauge. I'm planning a website revamp over Christmas, and will have some more details available soon. Regards Richard.
  11. Also worth noting that Gary at 247 developments also has the set of U class nameplates available, they are also very nice. Regards Richard.
  12. Hi all, Found a small selection of images on this website which will be of interest: Colour GNRi liveried stuff is always rare, even if it's after the split - some good detail coach photos! Regards Richard.
  13. Hi all, Found this site on my internet travels: http://www.sutherland.davenportstation.org.uk/ Scroll through to 189 / 196, ireland and local ireland 2, some cracking mid 70's photos in there of of day to day CIE stuff. Hope its of interest. Regards Richard.
  14. Hi all, The North West branch of the LCGB have a talk coming up on the GNRi on the 26th September, in Newton Le Willows, details are as follows: http://www.lcgb.org.uk/html/northwest/northwest.htm May be of interest if you're in the area. Regards richard.
  15. Thanks Guys, will have a look at that in detail over time. Currently thinking a 10x5 layout will work for this. Will post up some plans when I've got something together. Regards Richard.
  16. Thanks for the further updates everyone, that's very helpful. I have the Tom Ferris book, but will keep an eye out for the Golden Years of the GNR book, don't have a copy of that. Regards Richard.
  17. Ahh, A55, had a few guinnesses at Hells Kitchen in previous years, thanks for that! Regards Richard
  18. So legitimate reason for running an A class, even if it is a bit after when I was planning to base it, but, well, if it's my railway....Does anyone know which A it was? Thanks Kirley, I've those two books, and those photos will be useful. Seeing the plan helps to set it all in the right context. Regards Richard.
  19. Hi guys, Many thanks for the links and for the map, that's really helpful, thank you! It is meeting what my inkling was - it's quite a 'european' layout really, if you took away the platforms, it has an element of a continental track plan, 5 loop lines being really the key to it. I'm interested in looking at it, as based on one of the peco 'plans for small railways' it might work well. I've been thinking for a while that modelling a branch terminus, or station - more of an exhibition layout - doesn't actually give you much of a model railway, more of a model station....therefore, ballyhaise on one side, branch going up one side with Belturbet over the fiddle yard at the back. Narrow gauge making a bit of a cameo appearance only. That way, it gives you a 'roundy'(technical term!!), on the low level, also gives a branch with a bit of end to end traffic. Not sure exactly how it will look, but will mull over and post updates as and when...... Quite happy to run my GNRi stock on it, though I must admit, my 071/141/E class, and maybe some other oddities will also make an appearance! Regards Richard.
  20. Thanks for the welcome back! I was thinking of looking at it in the pre 1957 years. Regards Richard.
  21. Hi all, Returning member from the previous forum (old ID: Ben Racey), some may remember the 3d printed E class I'd built using a 'bullant' chassis. I'm still working on various Irish models, mostly GNRi based, and hope to release some 3d bits of interest soon. After the change to the new forum, I lost touch with the board, however, it's good to be back! When musing over an old peco 'plans for small railways' booklet, for a few layout plans, I thought that an interesting project might be Belturbet - Ballyhaise. There are plenty of drawings of the station and layout at Belturbet, but very little at Ballyhaise. The usual GNRi books feature the odd photo in the station, but I haven't been able to find a track plan of the station area. Does anyone have a drawing or know where one is published? Many thanks in advance. Regards Richard.
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