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Everything posted by hurricanemk1c

  1. Just an optical ollusion due to the zoom. Well known effect. Regards stored 201's - they have non-standard bearings and various other fittings that make them more expensive than even the 071's (spares pool from 30-40 years of use, plus the Baby GM's)
  2. Noel - the wagons can hold either 2x 20ft, 1x 30ft, 1x 40ft or 1x 45ft. The tanktainers are generally 30-35ft long, meaning only one per wagon.
  3. Bumper update time from me: Monday sees a morning trip to North Wall to what turned out to be 218 on the 0935 North Wall - Ballina IWT, plus a shot at Portlaoise with some snow 22009 at Portlaoise, 23/2/15 by hurricanemk1c, on Flickr Tuesday sees a trip to Kildare to waste time after college and before the IRRS Library night and features a number of PWD stock at Kildare PW Plant Shop 22009 at Heuston, 24/2/15 by hurricanemk1c, on Flickr Wednesday sees the return working of 206 from Ballina, as well as 221 on the timber, various ICR's on workings and 217 for the 1900 Heuston - Cork home 22009 at Heuston, 25/2/15 by hurricanemk1c, on Flickr Regards, Kieran
  4. I think it'll look good as a complete set, as long as the Enterprise DBFO gets the same pattern at the end
  5. So it's not Broombridge?
  6. Correct - it's just that is has to haul wagons, not push them
  7. A quick photo of it pasing Kildare yesterday - more to follow
  8. Good evening all, A few shots from today's exploits to Drumcondra and Heuston, including: LHB at Inchicore 29000's on Commuter services 218 LE at Drumcondra 217 departing Heuston 8130 at Inchicore, 21/2/15 by hurricanemk1c, on Flickr Regards, Kieran
  9. I'm sure they weren't there at 0750 yesterday morning! Mind you, was coming down from Platform 1 and wanted to avoid it all.....
  10. Maybe - just don't hold your breath! The future for Enterprise? 4001, Connolly, 18/2/15 by hurricanemk1c, on Flickr
  11. As per 'The Wanderer' above, here are my efforts for the night: Regards, Kieran
  12. Good afternoon all, A few photos from yesterday, including the Mark 4 trial to Connolly Regards, Kieran
  13. Sorry Noel - back to normal with 22000's! Good afternoon all, A few shots from Portlaoise yesterday, including a number of detail photos of 22228 and 22347 that might be useful for modellers. Will try and get some of 201/071/Mark 4's as well over the coming weeks Regards, Kieran
  14. Good evening all, A couple of photos from today, from Heuston, Inchicore, Portlaoise and Hazelhatch Regards, Kieran
  15. Possibly Railer, possibly! Today's update is from Heuston last night, with some Mark 4 and ICR action Regards, Kieran
  16. Good morning all, A few shots from the past few days from Heuston and Portlaoise, featuring: Long exposure photos at Portlaoise 216 at Inchicore 221 at Portarlington ICR's cross at Portlaoise Regards, Kieran
  17. Good evening all, Portlaoise was a bit foggy today, so a quick trip down to the station enabled a few 'fog shots' to be taken Regards, Kieran
  18. Good evening all, A few shots from the last two days of Heuston and Portlaoise, including: 234 on its own at Heuston 2x Mark 4 sets at Heuston ICR's pass at Portlaoise Regards, Kieran
  19. Good evening all, A few photos from me from both Portlaoise and Heuston on 3/2/15 and 4/2/15, including: ICR line up at Heuston TM744 at Kildare 222 on the 1900 Heuston - Cork with 215 My first 'bulb' shot of 4002 on the 1900 Heuston - Cork Regards, Kieran
  20. The VCT only has this, last updated in 2003 - http://www.cs.vintagecarriagestrust.org/se/CarriageInfo.asp?Ref=3897
  21. It does seem strange though that, despite there being a CGI image that relates closely to the new livery, it hasn't been used at all, even to just give a general idea. However, if it wasn't 'pinned down' to a certain extent it could have been wise
  22. The only reason 8209 wasn't finished was that the design wasn't finalised - something to do with the shade of colours to be used. As it was it was sitting in the paintshop for a week because of the shape of the yellow end. The loco was ready, design not. Simple as that. Note that the coach was released about 2 months after 8209 (a month in service) The next loco (206) is in the full livery but not yet released (even to passing trains). Watch this space - should be out this month or next month
  23. Good evening all, February 2015 starts off with a few shots from Portlaoise and Heuston, including a shot of LUAS 3019 in a Sky Fibre AOA Regards, Kieran
  24. Good afternoon all, A few photos from last night at Heuston, featuring two ICR sets and a 201 - And a few from today, including shots of Inchicore taken from the 1415 Heuston - Portlaoise - Regards, Kieran
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