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Flying Scotsman 4472

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Everything posted by Flying Scotsman 4472

  1. That looks great Barl thanks for sharing
  2. =))=)) dont forget some pic Sorry I should have said don't forget some pics of Ballykay build That could have been nasty:-bd
  3. You slipped up big time there Bud
  4. How did the teddy bear outfit go last night Bro =))=))
  5. Kieran do you have a link for the seamoss at international models
  6. I hope were still talking toy trains Seamus =))=))
  7. Yes Rob that is correct it used to be that Yodel got the parcels if they went over a certain weight and it was not within Hattons deal with Royal Mail. But they have got that busy over the last month or so that Yodel are now taking some of the smaller parcels It means they are now getting double the small parcels leaving the warehouse in the afternoon and not totally relying on Royal Mail.
  8. Now now Boss keep it clean Look forward to the photos
  9. Very very nice layout there it's great to see you guys posting up photos of your collections and layouts a big thank you for taking the time to do so.
  10. Don't worry lads I get stuff from them every week and they are now starting to experience a bit of a back log as we are now on the run up to Xmas so your orders will be a little later. If in doubt always lift the phone and talk to them.
  11. Welcome to the site Blu Bianco if your looking Irish Rail wagons drop Hiddenagenda a PM as I've yet to see any better built and priced wagons on the market. Truly amazing work and craftsmanship I think Boskonay has some of his wagons if so he might pop some pics up for you.
  12. Hi Roryon drop me a PM regarding the weathering and welcome to the site
  13. Fran is the expert on that one mate his knowage on US Railways is second to none you only have to look at what he did to the couple of US locos he got of wrenneire. I'm sure he will be along at some point and advise you on what you could do to tart her up. Probably one of the first things I would do would be to put flush glazing in the cab windows I think that would really change the look of her
  14. It would have to be anonymous as I can't see those of us with large collections and layouts advertising our locations on the Internet. Do you think we would want thieves knowing our where abouts as some guys have a lot of money tided up in their collections. As for everyone meeting up in a pub or hotel I think it would be a waste of time as when it comes down to it I think there would be a lot wouldn't turn up and cry off.
  15. Maybe you could let us know what CV settings you used on the lights
  16. That's a nice little model a few after market pieces would tart her up nicely
  17. Keep the ideas coming lads it will give the boss some food for thought
  18. Some great ideas there mate hopefully the Boss will have an answer for you as it's up to him. I do have to agree with you regarding RM Web not the most friendly of places and as for navigating the site don't go there there photo gallery is a joke to get around
  19. Yes correct but it was left to late to get a table
  20. :banana::banana::banana: I thought you were going to say she was going with you and the wife :banana::banana::banana:
  21. I have to agree :puke:
  22. I'll get to see the real thing on Saturday and the other favourite Mave not to mention Hunslet and the Sulzer
  23. Have a chat with Boskonay to see if he could sort something out for you. BTW Dave are you going to Cultra Saturday
  24. I use photobucket as most of my pics are in around 2.75MB would it be possible to increase the down load to 3MB Stephen
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