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Everything posted by wiggy

  1. Right so F3 is why it slows down. Don't like messing in the CV's so I'll leave it as it is. Don't see much use for shunting speed, it's all full ahead for me. May be when I have more time next year I'll start to find out more on remaping and CV's. Thanks, Wiggy.
  2. Ok so I learnt something there, but the other cab light does not work & what decoder does work the lights. Bit confused on decoders as I would have thought that they all work the same just different amount of functions. And if F0,F1,F2,F3,F4 are the 5 functions why dose F5 work the lights.?? still confused, decoders not my strong subject still trying to get my head around some of them.
  3. Anyone using a Lenz controller with the Lenz silver 21 pin decoder in the MM 071/111 class loco's, or a Lenz 21 pin decoder. I have them fitted in 082 & 112. Functions F0, F1 & F2 are working fine. F3 does not put the cab light on, but slows the loco down. F4 not working. F5 puts the cab light on radiator end. (not sure if that is end no 1 or 2) All other functions do nothing. Same for both loco's. It's no big deal as the running lights work OK but what decoders are we to use in the 071/111 loco's to get the proper functions working.?? Thanks, Wiggy.
  4. Have you got it running yet.????????
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  6. I have 2 of the Bachmann Mogul's or 'N' class, one Black and one Green. Video of the Black one below Wiggy.
  7. Found this on eBay. 181009961568 Be aware its 'N' gauge. Wiggy.
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  9. Hi Enterprise207. We all have our different ways of doing things. Me, I just go with the flow. I had a rough idea of what I wanted and that was full length trains, lots of action as in running and passing by and to use my other passion of filming them. Space was not a big problem as I was putting it into the loft but I had to first floor out the loft and insulate the best I could. Next I built the bace boards, some at 3ft wide and some at 2ft wide depending on access to the far side of the board. I also wanted an upper and lower level. After some of the boards were made and fixed in place I then just placed track and points on the boards, put some stock on the track, place in some platforms and away I went. Stand back and admire, is this what I want, if not just relay. The other thing I tried to take into consideration was the points position in regards to the bace boards bracing. If you are going to use under board point motors the last thing you want is a wooden brace in the way. Take a look at some of the pictures and videos on this site and on uTube that will give you the inspiration for what you want. Loads of people on this site will give you any help you need but it needs to be YOUR layout and design, thats the whole point of YOUR layout. Take inspiration from others to do your own thing. Good luck and you know where we are for your help and guidance. Wiggy.
  10. I thought it was 230 in the old Enterprise small yellow panel livery that was coming out. Wiggy. My resprayed by Seamus Graham
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  12. If it is the chip just be aware of what may have caused it to go. Is there a fault with the loco or just a fault with the chip. Wiggy.
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  15. Lights work on DC so I assume you have taken the chip out.?? Lights not working on DCC with chip in.??? Is that correct.?? Sounds a bit like the chip has gone. BUT if you take the chip out and then put the loco on to the DCC track then ALL the lights should come on as far as I know. I don't have the dynamis system just the Lenz so not sure if that is correct for that system. Wiggy.
  16. It's all a mater of illimination. Remove the chip and if you still have a DC controller try running the loco on a DC test track or a 12v DC power supply. If all works OK then it possibly is the chip, try another chip. If it still does not run or runs in one direction only then a possible bad or broken connection at the motor. Try a 12v DC direct to the motor without the chip in. A little more information would help like what DCC system are you using (Lenz etc) and who's chip are you using (Bachmann, Lenz silver etc.) Do the lights work on DCC & DC. Hope this helps. Wiggy.
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  21. The Lima one is not all that bad. I think it's quite good for the price.
  22. Thanks. I'll await your findings. Wiggy.
  23. What about none sound decoders ??? Are they the same as the 201's.?? Or can you use any such as the Lenz silver etc. Ta, Wiggy.
  24. I have 2. Here is the first one. http://www.youtube.com/user/wiggyattheweekend?feature=mhee Here is the second one. http://www.youtube.com/user/wheeltappersvideo?feature=mhee Wiggy
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