Thanks Mayner, I'll give them a try.
It's a cut and shut job that I am attempting. Will post pics if it works out ok'ish.
Thanks Dive, will try not to disappoint too much.
Mogul, I may be ok with the one container that has been painted, I intend cutting and painting the containers.
If the 3rd container suits my needs, Richrua can take the two in the photo above, but I would like to see it before giving up on these two.
Hi Achill, Many thanks for the help, and the detail of your help. and not for the first time.
As far as transfers go, I have seen pale green flying snails, (SSM) I must check for linings and numbers.
But the gold outline will be a harder ask.
Hi, Can anyone describe the colour scheme on this Class D, looking at the photo I would think Green with a white stripe. Has anyone a more reliable description than my guesses? Thanks in advance.
It might be just the way the light hits them
which Parkside vans did you use, I couldn't find them on their web site
These really look great. The engine and the vans look the business. Are the markings on the Engine and tender decals or painted? I'm no expert, but think the markings are a bit clean compared to the condition of the engine. just a thought. Love the weathering, I'll have to try this technique.
Sugar... Can't video update files, looks like I need a youtube acount first :-(
In the meantime here's more photo, I have a few more but cant upload them, they are just over 2MB are they too big?
Hi, Its been a while but I hope you like the next handful of photos from my friends attic layout, I have posted some before elsewhere on here, but these are new, with some videos, to follow..
Hi Guys, thanks for the comments, I will be sure to pass them on, and get more and better photos. I think its a great layout, the scratch buildings Paul is making lately are really a delight.
Here are a few pics of the layout my good friend Paul is working on. Paul is an ex-Inchicore man, and is great source of information for me. I hope you guys like what he's done so far on his layout, I think it looks fantastic, and each new build is always a joy to see.
I've really enjoyed reading this build. Of all the fantastic detail, I do really like the vice on the side of that tractor driven tipper. Great modelling. Thanks for taking the time to post it all.
Hi Guys, I wasn't sure to where to put this on the site, I was in Heuston Station last night for a look around, and found these hanging on a wall. I'm sure you already have seen them and there is a photo on here somewhere, but just in case.