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Everything posted by tonybonneyba

  1. 1st Station has been started today last night & today
  2. Thank you I will look into it
  3. Thank you! Sorry, but I just started on the station in LDD4, but I promise that I will do the smokey genny next then the 201. Any ideas on where I can get a good 00 smoke generator?
  4. The mark 3 enterprise generator which will be fitted with a smoke generator & a Lego battery box to power coach lighting
  5. Right, I starte on the station in LDD4 today, but I want to know what you gentlemen & ladies want to see first, the 201, the station or the smoky genny?
  6. May I try something with this pic?
  7. Whoops, sorry! I'm rubbish when it comes to jokes!
  8. That's not emerald green, the enterprise from 2006/7 uptil now had a emerald green strip
  9. How about something related to the great 80 class or even Belfast & not a shop down the road from me? I like Brikton btw
  10. For a halt, maybe I see your joke btw & like it
  11. I have started a design for the first terminal station IRL, but I think it'll be easier to design in LDD4. Yes. I know, three things at once, the class 201 & dedietrich set, the emerald night conversion & repairs & now stations.... At these will keep the thread going & (hopefully!) interesting. The station building will be big, but it will only have two - three platforms with "glass" canopies. I am unsure if this station will be a IÉ styled staton or a NIR one. I am unsure for a name for this station too as I want the Legoderry one to have a small building but a wide & stylish platform. I'll let you guy's & gals come up a name for the bigger station, but can NOT have the word "Lego" in it nor any thing silly daft, stupid rude or childish in it. I'll also have a small halt or two for next years Lego project (try & guess what the thump it is) so I need names for them as well. Btw, since the stations will be designed in LDD4, it will allow me to upload the instructions for the station if I figure out how.
  12. Would Legoderry be a NIR or IÉ Station? Just for signage style....
  13. Thank you Your BR Clayton sounds very interesting, will you be doing a thread on it if you go back to it? Wouldn't go by my instructions if I where you, my models always fall apart, but, if I get near a PC & figure out how, I'll be more than happy to upload the instructions for the DVT & any other projects relating
  14. Whoops, I must fix that, thanks for pointing that out
  15. L R T S logo
  16. Ah right, thank you
  17. CHANGE OF PLANS I'll be building the class 201 in NIR blue livery first instead of the 2015/16 Enterprise swirl livery (which I'll do after) The Blue 201 will carry the following - White Logo - White Numbers - The Letters "LRTS" on each end under the window - DCC sound The numbers, logos & letters etc will come from Rail Tech Transfers with thanks to Steve. After I'm done with the Blue 201 (still to be numbered - I'll let you gentlemen & ladies chose), I'll build the Mk3 genny with a Lego battery pack to power the lighting in the DeDietrich along with a smoke genny to give a more realistic look & after the mk3 I'll build one standard class DeDietrich coach ( with lighting), one buffet DeDietrich coach (with lightning) & one DeDietrich dvt (with lightning). I'll let you kind ladies & gentlemen choose the numbers for the coaches (although, not the dvt as that will be 9002 since i worked on it during the refurbishment during my work experience) The coaching will be in the emerald N' sliver 2006-2015 livery (still on 9004) If all goes well, I might build a 111 after words (no sound) since the are more simple to build..... Maybe three mk2s as well or hoppers
  18. Ah right, thanks, must have look again as I couldn't find any contacts or prices
  19. I have checked out Mr Soundguy & his work is really impressive, any idea on where I can get the 201 sound chip & for how much?
  20. Good evening all, to night I won't be working on the 201 nor the DeDietrich, as of having to make a pick a brick/ brick link order (which I'll do after the 18th), so I decided to continue on my older project instead, converting the now really really expensive Lego set Emerald Night steam locomotive into Mave (the 800 class loco, who can be found in Clutra Ulster folk & transport museum). I'll have photos up later
  21. Update on the L201! First thing is first, I have got most of the in cab control details done & some outer parts done, but what I found out, is that even tho I have more than three draws of Lego, I can't find the correct parts, meaning a pick-a-brick/ eBay/ brick link order to get the correct parts The buffer on the loco will not be the final buffers as I will be building some for the 201. The white lamps won't be staying (read above) due to not correct parts. The bogie.... This is a prototype bogie which I will add details to soon. Photos! Tony.
  22. Thank you! I shall go have a look at these in a wee bit. I'm pretty sure the 201 will have plenty of room for the equipment, but the question now is, how do I convert the Lego train 9 volt motor & system to dcc (I know it's possible, plenty of people have done it before, I'll post a link later to a video on YouTube)
  23. Thanks! It will be coming very soon!
  24. I'll like "Legoderry", but I don't want every name to have Lego in the name, for example, I have L R T S as the rail company, which stands for " Lego Royal Train Society " , so if the other three names not have Lego in the name please (Yes, I'm sticking with Legoderry for the first station, thanks! )
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